Mailänder Elissa

Elissa Mailänder is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at Sciences Po, and a member of the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po. Her research and teaching interests are in the fields of the history and theory of violence and war, gender and sexuality, material culture and the history and theory of the everyday with a primary focus on 20th century Germany and Austria. Her book Female SS Guards and Workaday Violence: The Majdanek Concentration Camp, 1942-1944 (Michigan State University Press, 2015) examines patterns of violence and the daily work of female SS guards in a concentration and death camp. She has published several articles on perpetrator history and the structures, mechanisms and dynamics of violence in Nazi Germany. Currently Elissa Mailänder is involved in a research network on “Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts” (SVAC) and works on an Everyday History of Sexuality of the “Volksgemeinschaft”.

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