Gerrit Hohendorf

Gerrit Hohendorf, MD, psychiatrist by training, is unscheduled professor, medical historian and medicial ethicist at the  Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at Technical University of Munich (TUM) since 2006. Research areas: Medicine in National Socialism, history and ethcis of psychiatry, history and ethics at the beginning and at the end of human life. Together with Maike Rotzoll and a working group he is responsible for the historical information at the Memorial and Information Point for the Victims of National Socialist Euthanasia murder at Berlin, Tiergartenstrasse 4. Latest books: Der Tod als Erlösung vom Leiden. Geschichte und Ethik der Sterbehilfe seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland, Göttingen 2013 and together with Robert Spaemann and Fuat S. Oduncu: Vom guten Sterben. Warum es keinen assistierten Tod geben darf, Freiburg 2015.

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