Jodl (1890-1946), Alfred

2 March, 2009
Bovy Daniel

Artillery officer during WWI, Jodl was nominated Minister of Defense in 1935 and general in chief for the military operations of the German army (OKW). From 1938, he assisted Keitel up to 1945. Faithful to Hitler, he was member of the Dönitz government and signed the surrender of the German Army at Reims. He was condemned to death at Nuremberg for his responsibilities as army officer and for having signed the execution order of prisoners of war. He was hanged on October 16, 1946, but was acquitted posthumously in 1953 by a Munich court.


SCHEURIG, B., 1991, Alfred Jodl. Gehorsam und Verhängnis. Biografie. Frankfurt a.M.: Ullstein.

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Bovy Daniel, Jodl (1890-1946), Alfred , Mass Violence & Résistance, [online], published on: 2 March, 2009, accessed 17/05/2021,, ISSN 1961-9898
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