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Associate Law Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) |
Bio :Marie Mercat-Bruns is an Affiliated Professor at Sciences Po Law School, member of the Gender program Presage. Also a tenured Associate Law Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers where she copilots the Gender Program (LISE,CNRS) and the Master in Business Law. She was appointed in 2019 expert on France for the European network of legal experts on gender equality working for the EU Commission. She holds an LLM (University of Pennsylvania Law School) and a prize-winning comparative PhD on Law and Aging (University of Paris West Nanterre). Her publications include: Domestic work and intersectional discrimination Droit social 2022, p.716; The ambivalent treatment of age discrimination in C. O’Cinneide, J Ringelheim, I. Solanke (Dir.), Handbook on AntiDiscrimination, Elgar octobre 2022 (upcoming); Systemic discrimination: rethinking the tools of gender equality, European Equality Law Review 2018/2, p. 1; Indirect discrimination in Employment in France : a relative success ? in Havelkova, Möschel (Ed), Antidiscrimination Law in Civil Law Jurisdictions Oxford University Press 2019, p. 244; Les différentes figures de la discrimination au travail : quelle cohérence ? Revue Droit du Travail 2020, p. 25 and books: With D. Oppenheimer and C. Sartorius, Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination law” Springer 2018; Discrimination at Work: Comparing European, French, and American Law. University of California Press, 2016. ; M. Mercat-Bruns (dir.), Nouveaux modes de détection et de prévention de la discrimination et accès au droit : action de groupe et discrimination systémique ; algorithmes et préjugés ; réseaux sociaux et harcèlement sexuel , Société de législation comparée, 2020 ; A.Chevalier, M. Mercat-Bruns, F. Ricciardi (Dir), Les catégories dans leur genre : genèses, enjeux, productions TESEO 2022 |
Involved in project(s) / Research Group(s) : |