PhD Students

Since the creation of LIEPP, doctoral research has been a structuring part of the laboratory's activity in its training mission. The LIEPP offers doctoral students from Sciences Po and the University of Paris, whatever their disciplines and methods, a young research workshop. This workshop is a tool for interdisciplinary dialogue between doctoral students whose work has an impact on public action. The LIEPP has had the opportunity to finance the theses of many doctoral students and to welcome affiliated doctoral students who have nourished and advanced knowledge in the different research areas and, more broadly, in the evaluation of public policies. The young researchers and doctoral students affiliated to LIEPP have been rewarded for the quality of their work.

Thesis in progress

Doctoral fellow in economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / LIEPP affiliate

Graduated with a master’s degree from ENSAE Aurélien Boyer worked as a research assistant on the beneficiaries’ trajectories of the French guaranteed minimum income, RSA. The research investigates COVID-19 crisis’ effects on this specific topic but also aims at going further by studying the trajectories in employment and with other minimum incomes in the long run.


Doctoral fellow in Sociology, CRIS / LIEPP affiliate

After 8 months as a research assistant at the LIEPP during her gap year, Laudine resumes her Master 2 in Cognitive Sciences at ENS (PSL) in 2020-2021. The same year, she obtains a doctoral contract at the Centre de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales (Sciences Po). Since her undergraduate studies, she has been passionate about transdisciplinarity and is currently working on a thesis between Sociology and Cognitive Sciences under the supervision of Carlo Barone (CRIS, Sciences Po) and Coralie Chevallier (LNCC, ENS). Her research focuses on inequalities in access to daycare centers, their link with public policies and their impact on the cognitive development of young children. She uses both qualitative and quantitative methods.


PhD candidate in economics and social change at Université Paris Cité

Rachida Larinouna is a doctoral student in economics and social change at the Université Paris Cité's Laboratoire des Dynamiques Sociales et Recomposition des Espaces (LADYSS). Her work focuses on issues of spatial governance and the distribution of urban power. More specifically, she focuses on the appropriation processes of institutionalized citizen participation bodies, studying them through the prism of practices. She is also interested in the trajectories taken by these bodies, which lead to organizational changes. She is involved in LIEPP's "Evaluation of Democracy" project.


Doctoral fellow in economics, Paris 8 University / LIEPP affiliate

After completing a Master's degree in Economic and Social Studies at Paris 1, I have the opportunity to continue my research on tax expenditures related to income tax. This research was initiated during my Master's thesis and will be pursued in the context of a Ph.D. at Paris 8 under the supervision of C. Carbonnier and M. Zemmour, funded by COFRA at the Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires. The main objective of my thesis is to dynamically analyze the evolution of the social and economic profile of beneficiaries of these deviations from the tax norm, in order to compare them with public policy objectives.


Doctoral fellow in political science, CEE / LIEPP affiliate

Arno Lizet is a PhD student at the CEE, affiliated with the LIEPP, since September 2022, after obtaining a Master's degree in political science from the Ecole de la Recherche de Sciences Po. His thesis, under a CIFRE agreement with the 1,000 cafés association and supervised by Laurie Boussaguet and Florence Faucher, focuses on the top-down and bottom-up convergences of public policies in support of rural commerce, and aims to explain the resurgences of a specific form of instrumentation of public intervention on rural commerce at different levels of public action. 


Doctoral fellow in Economics, Department of Economics of Sciences Po / LIEPP affiliate

Pauline Madiès is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Sciences Po Paris, under the co-supervision of Ghazala Azmat and José de Sousa.  Her research interests lie at the intersection of Labor and Behavioral Economics, with a focus on gender topics. 


PhD candidate/ATER in economics at the Université Paris Cité (UPC) 

PhD candidate/ATER in economics at the Université Paris Cité (UPC) and researcher at the Dynamiques Sociales et Recomposition des Espaces (LADYSS) laboratory.  I have a master's degree in Economics from the State University of Campinas (IE/UNICAMP) and a master's degree in Economic Analysis and Policy from the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN). I was trained in Economics at the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP), with a period of study at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). I am interested in international political economy, economic development and economic history.


Doctoral fellow in Sociology, CRIS / LIEPP affiliate

After studies in social sciences at the ENSAE and the ENS Cachan, Olivier Monso joined the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, then in 2011 the Education Ministerial Statistical Department. He is expert in the analysis of educational inequalities. He is involved in several studies on the comparison between public and private sector, social segregation and territorial inequalities in education. He also works on building methodological tools for studying and managing the educational system.  


Doctoral fellow in Sociology, CSO / LIEPP affiliate

Noémie Morize is PhD candidate in Sociology au Centre de sociologie des organisations, at Sciences Po, and at Irdes. She works on two french healthcare policy experiments aiming at finding new ways of remunerating primary care professionals, especially general practitioners. She is conducting this research using qualitative methods.


Doctoral fellow in Sociology, CRIS / LIEPP affiliate

After completing a bachelor in mathematics and social sciences, followed by a dual master’s program at HEC and Sciences Po, Julie worked for a few months as a consultant at UNESCO. Fascinated by the fields of education and culture, and advocate of evidence-based public policies, she obtained in 2020 a doctoral contract at the Center for Research of Social Inequalities (CRIS) to deepen her expertise in these areas. There, she began a thesis under the supervision of Philippe Coulangeon, on the evaluation of artistic and cultural education policies. Using mixed methods, she conducted a quasi-experimental evaluation of the "Un violon dans mon école" program, engaging with sixty schools and over 2,000 children over a span of 4 years. Her research sits at the crossroads of culture and education, and includes questions about philanthropy and impact measurement methodologies within these domains.


Doctoral fellow in Economics, Department of Economics of Sciences Po / LIEPP affiliate

Olivia Tsoutsoplidi is a PhD Candidate in Economics at the Department of Economics at Sciences Po Paris since 2022, under the supervision of Julia Cagé. She is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Economics at Harvard University for the academic year 2024-2025, where she is supervised by Claudia Goldin. Her research interests lie in the fields of Political Economy, Economic History, and Development Economics. She works on the determinants of political selection, social movements and gender equality in the long-run, notably in France and Brazil. Her research has been awarded Best Bachelor Thesis, Best Master Thesis, and LIEPP's Young Research Prize. She holds a Bachelor of Science in EPAIS-Economics Major from Warwick University and a Master in Economics from Sciences Po. Alongside her research, she has worked as a policy intern at the Bank of Greece and the Ministry of Health in the greek government.


Thesis completed

Deputy Head of Local Taxation and Endowments, Finance and Purchasing Department at the City of Paris

PhD in political science (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in January 2017)

Camille Allé is currently Deputy Head of Local Taxation and Endowments, Finance and Purchasing Department at the City of Paris


Postdoctoral Fellow, APCLIMPTER project, Centre Emile Durkheim

PhD in sociology, LIEPP/CSO (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in September 2020)


Alexis Aulagnier has a PhD in sociology. He was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/CSO from 2015 to 2018 and he defended his thesis "Réduire sans contraindre. Le gouvernement des pratiques agricoles à l'épreuve des pesticides" under the supervision of Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier and Jean-Noël Jouzel in September 2020.


Research fellow at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED)

PhD in sociology (thesis finaned by LIEPP and defended in December 2019)

Louise Caron has a PhD in sociology. He was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/OSC from 2015 to 2018 and she defended her thesis "De l’immigration permanente aux migrations circulaires. L’expérience de la (re)migration dans les trajectoires individuelles en France" under the supervision of Mirna Safi in December 2019. 


Assistant professor at University of Cergy-Pontoise

Ph. D. in economics, (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in February 2017)  

Guillaume Chapelle is an assistant professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise. 


Education Policy Analyst and Project Manager at OECD Directorate for Education and Skills

Doctor in Economics (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in 2017)

Pierre Gouëdard is currently an analyst at the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.


PhD in sociology, LIEPP/CRIS (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in November 2022)

Graduated from the Master in Economic and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in 2016, Federico joined the LIEPP and the Centre for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS) in September 2017, where he is pursuing his PhD in Sociology under the supervision of Emanuele Ferragina. In his dissertation, Federico explores the evolution of labour market protection and family policy in high-income countries from 1990 to 2020, with a particular focus on Italy and France.


Postdoctoral fellow, ANR project Organizations in Crisis (CrisOrg) at CSO

PhD in sociology, LIEPP/CSO (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in March 2021)


Anne Moyal has a PhD in sociology. She was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/CSO from 2015 to 2018 and she defended her thesis "Une liberté sous contraintes ? Rationalisation des pratiques des professionnels libéraux de soins primaires en maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles en France" under the supervision of Henri Bergeron in March 2021. 


Economist at the Central Bank of Luxembourg

PhD in Economics (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in 2020)

Julien Pascal is currently economist at the Central Bank of Luxembourg. He has a PhD in sociology. He was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/Département d'économie de Sciences Po from 2016 to 2019 and he defended his thesis "The Dynamics of Wage Inequalities: a Search-And-Matching Approach" under the supervision of Jean-Marc Robin in June 2020.


Postdoctoral research fellow at Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion StudiesUniversity of Chili, Santiago.

Ph.D. in Sociology, (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in November 2019).

Quentin Ramond is a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies, University of Chile, Santiago. He was a doctoral fellow at LIEPP/OSC from 2014 to 2017 and he defended his thesis "Trajectoires résidentielles et choix scolaires des classes moyennes. Statut d’occupation du logement, ségrégation et action publique locale dans la métropole parisienne" under the supervision of Marco Oberti in November 2019.


Policy/Political Advisor, European Parliament 

PhD in Economics, (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in October 2019)

Max Viskanic is a political adviser at the European Parliament. He holds a PhD in economics.


PhD in political science, LIEPP/CEE (thesis financed by LIEPP and defended in November 2023)

Paulus Wagner’s research at LIEPP-Sciences Po focuses on connections between changes in welfare regimes and voting for radical and populist political parties amongst « advanced liberal democracies » during the 2010s. 


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