Home>India's Supreme Court quotes Sciences Po Professor on Systemic Discrimination


India's Supreme Court quotes Sciences Po Professor on Systemic Discrimination

In a recent judgment, the Supreme Court of India quotes Sciences Po School of Law Professor Marie Mercat-Bruns on the recognition of systemic discrimination in Europe:

In  order  to  conceptualize  substantive  equality,  it  would  be  apposite  to  conduct  a  systemic analysis  of  discrimination  that  combines  tools  of  direct  and  indirect discrimination. In the words of Professor Marie Mercat- Bruns: “Systemic  discrimination  posits  the  need  to  conceptualize  discrimination  in  terms  of  workplace  dynamics  rather  than  solely  in existing terms of an identifiable actor’s isolated state of   mind,   a   victim’s   perception   of   his   or   her   own   work   environment,  or  the  job-relatedness  of  a  neutral  employment  practice  with  adverse  consequences.  Systemic discrimination derives from how organizations, as structures discriminate.”

— Judgment authored by Dr. Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, Judge at the Supreme Court of India

Marie Mercat-Bruns is Affiliated Professor at Sciences Po Law School and a tenured Associate Law Professor in Private Law and in Labor and Employment Law at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) where she coheads the Gender, Law and Discrimination Program at the Research Institute LISE CNRS. She is also a member of the scientific committee of Presage (Sciences Po/OFCE Research and Academic Program on Gender Thinking). In 2019, she was appointed Expert for France on Gender Equality for the EU Commission.

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