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Paris Arbitration Week 2023

À propos de cet événement

Du 27 mars 2023 à 00:00 au 29 mars 2023 à 00:00

Sciences Po Law School is cohosting three events during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW).

Space is limited and all registrations are via the PAW Platform.


27 March 2023 (10.30am-12.30pm) - Latham & Watkins, 45 rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris

Panel I - Gender, Culture, Age – Something is moving on in International Arbitration

Panelists: Amanda Jiménez Pintón, Carine Dupeyron, Christophe Seraglini.

Moderator: John Pierce.

Panel II - Academics and Practitioners – Still two separate worlds?

Panelists: Annet van Hooft, Eugénie Caroit, Mathias Audit.

Moderator: Diego P. Fernández Arroyo.

> Further information

The Role of Arbitral Institutions in Driving Change in Arbitral Practice, Colloquium co-hosted with Queen Mary University of London

28 March 2023 (2.30-5pm) - Sciences Po, salle François Goguel, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Panel I - Are arbitral institutions improving the efficacy of arbitration?

Panelists: Alexis Mourre (Former President ICC Court), Elena Otero-Novas (CEA), Giuditta Cordero-Moss (OAC/ICC/CAM), James Castello (LCIA), Stefano Azzali (CAM).

Moderator: Stavros Brekoulakis (QMUL).

Panel II - Which role for arbitral institutions in promoting the legitimacy of arbitration?

Panelists: Alex Fessas (ICC), Benoit Kohl (CEPANI), Caroline Falconer (SCC), Eleonora Coelho (CAM-CCBC), Garth Schofield (PCA).

Moderator: Diego P. Fernández Arroyo (Sciences Po Law School).

> Further information

UNCITRAL’s Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy Initiative

29 March 2023 (8.30-10.30am) - Sciences Po, Salle du Conseil (5th Floor), 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

UNCITRAL’s project on the stock taking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) was launched in 2021, conferring on the secretariat a mandate to monitor the changing landscape of dispute resolution in the digital economy by compiling, analysing and sharing relevant information with a view to laying the groundwork for possible updates to UNCITRAL texts and development of new ones if necessary.

The project gives particular attention to the disruptive aspects of digitalization in dispute resolution, in particular those with respect to due process and fairness, but also focuses on the enabling aspects of technology as far as its impact on cost and duration of procedures is concerned. In line with its mandate, the UNCITRAL secretariat is organizing discussions to seek inputs from different parts of the world to ensure the comprehensiveness of its work.

The PAW discussion will be hosted at Sciences Po Law School, complementing a world tour covering Tokyo, New York, and Guatemala City.

> Further information

À propos de cet événement

Du 27 mars 2023 à 00:00 au 29 mars 2023 à 00:00