Home>Research>Project>ETHMIGSURVEYDATA COST Action 16111 - International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA COST Action 16111 - International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA is an international network set up to bring together researchers, policy makers, and survey data producers to join efforts to improve the access, usability, dissemination and standards of the multiple and scattered survey data that exist on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs).
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA has been funded by COST Action 16111, with support by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 , between May 2017 and April 2021 to provide the mechanisms that will enhance the research capacity in Europe in the field of EMMs' economic, social and political integration, and will allow a solid and evidence based transfer of knowledge to policymakers and civil society organizations about the key consequences and social processes related to the integration of EMMs in European societies and elsewhere.
The COST network will focus at once on multiplying research capacity and on transferring knowledge to a multiplicity of audiences and stakeholders. The network will achieve these goals by compiling, documenting, archiving and pooling a large amount of data coming from various comparable studies conducted around Europe, thus providing the means to improve the empirical basis of high-quality research. Data will be made available on an web-based platform or Data Hub. The Action also includes a specific research training and educational component with the aim of guaranteeing that these coordinated efforts are carried over into the future through the next generations of researchers.
The Action is led by Prof Laura Morales at Sciences Po, CEE.
Network Structure and Leadership Team
The Action and Newtork is formed by more than 140 participants from 34 countries . Researchers from all sorts organisations (academic, non-academic, private and public) interested in the production, distribution or analysis of survey data on the integration of EMMs are welcome to join. If the country where you work is still not part of the Action, it may be possible for you to join as a representative of that country.
The Network is governed by a Management Committee and coordinated by a Core Leadership Group formed by the Action Chair, the Action Vice-Chair and the Leaders of the five working groups:
Work Groups | Role | Name |
Action Chair | Laura Morales | |
Action Vice-Chair | Johannes Bergh | |
Work Group 1: Task force on National-level data (National surveys Group) | Leader | Johannes Bergh |
Deputy Leader | Mónica Méndez | |
Work Group 2: Task force on Local-level data (Local surveys Group) | Leader | Anikó Bernát |
Deputy Leader | Laura Morales | |
Work Group 3: Setting the guidelines for measuring ethnic and migrant minorities' integration (Indicators Group) | Leader | Patrick Simon |
Deputy Leader | Esther Lopatin | |
Work Group 4: Training young researchers (Educational Group) | Leader | Paula Tufis |
Deputy Leader | Marie-Laure Mallet | |
Work Group 5: Interaction with stakeholders and dissemination (Communication Group) | Leader | Elena Ambrosetti |
Deputy Leader | Andreas Wüst |
Network Goals and Activities
The Network will coordinate past, present and future research efforts among scholars, survey research institutes and civil society organizations that produce and analyze data on ethnic and migrant minorities’ economic, social and political integration. Integration covers aspects such as labour-market participation, educational achievement, political action and social cohesion. Its main objectives are to:
- Produce a comprehensive compilation of the data that is available on EMMs' integration across Europe and beyond.
- Articulate the mechanisms to share the data and make them available to a wider public, academic and non-academic.
- Develop ways in which survey data already collected can be subject to a post-harmonization process in order to facilitate comparative analyses of data that currently stand alone.
- Provide a platform for the coordination of future data collection in this field.
- Coordinate activities to ensure the long-term sustainability of research efforts.
- Promote comparative analysis and dissemination of research results on EMMs' integration.
- Promote similar survey data production in the European countries where they still do not exist.
- Train the future generations of European researchers in best practices for data production, sharing and analysis in this area of research.
To know more
- Please, fill in this membership form if you are interested in joining the network.
- If you have any queries about this Network, send us an email at ethmigsurveydata@sciencespo.fr
- Follow us on Twitter: @EthMigSurveyDat
- Like and follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/ethmigsurveydata
- To learn more about our Action, visit our website: http://www.ethmigsurveydatahub.eu
- Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the
the team
Prof Laura Morales (Action Chair)
Alina Theimann (Former Network Coordinator)
Contact us
Address: 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris
Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 83 52
Email: contact.cee@sciencespo.fr