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Scientific publications
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All publications of the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics members are deposited in the HAL open archive.
Lastest scientific articles (2023)
- BEZES Philippe, VIALLET-THEVENIN Scott. La transversalisation managériale de l’État. Variété des activités gestionnaires dans l’administration française (1980-2014). Gouvernement et action publique, 141-171 p., 2023.
- DE MOOR Joost, MARQUARDT Jens, Deciding whether it’s too late: How climate activists coordinate alternative futures in a postapocalyptic present. Geoforum vol. 138, 103666 p., 2023.
- ESCAFRÉ-DUBLET Angéline, GUIRAUDON Virginie*, TALPIN Julien, Fighting discrimination in a hostile political environment: the case of “colour-blind” France. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Published online: 10 Jan 2023, 1-19 p., 2023.
- FROIO Caterina, CASTELLI GATTINARA Pietro, When the Far Right Makes the News: Protest Characteristics and Media Coverage of Far-Right Mobilization in Europe. Comparative Political Studies, 2023.
- GABORIT Maxime, JEANPIERRE Laurent, ROZENCWAJG Romane, Les frontières négociées des assemblées citoyennes. Le cas de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat 2019-2020 Une délibération ouverte à l’extérieur. Participations - Revue de sciences sociales sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté, vol N° 34, n°3, 173-204 p., 2023.
- ONODA Takuya, ‘Depoliticised’ regulators as a source of politicisation: rationing drugs in England and France. Journal of European Public Policy, 1-22, 2023.
- ROVNY Jan, Antidote to Backsliding: Ethnic Politics and Democratic Resilience. American Political Science Review, 1-19, 2023.
- WEILL Sharon, LEFRANC Sandrine, Le procès V13 comme expérimentation judiciaire : entre justices pénale et transformative. Les Cahiers de la justice, n°2023/1, 41-57 p., 2023.
The latest chapters of scientific books (2022-2023)
- FOURMENT Emeline, Analysing informal and indirect participation to transnational activist networks: The case of antiauthoritarian feminists in Berlin and Montreal. In Bloomsbury Academic dir., Leftist Internationalisms. A Transnational Political History, 2023.
- ANDO Yuma, MAYER Nonna, TIBERJ Vincent, VITALE Tommaso, Le regard des chercheurs. In Commission nationale consultative des Droits de l'Homme dir., La lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie. Année 2021, Paris, La documentation française, 2022.
- BELLÉ Elisa, DONÀ Alessia, Power to the People?: The Populist Italian Lega, the Anti-Gender Movement, and the Defense of the Family, The Gendered Politics of Crises and De-Democratization. Opposition to Gender Equality, Rowman & Littlefield/ECPR Press, 2022.
- CHARBONNIER Pierre, Au-delà de la modernisation verte. Sommes-nous prisonniers de l’esprit de conquête ? In Groupe d'Etudes Géopolitiques dir., Dans l'urgence climatique : comment penser la transition énergétique, Paris, Gallimard, 2022.
- DE MOOR Joost, YATES Luke, The Concept of Prefigurative Politics in Studies of Social Movements: Progress and Caveats, The Future is Now. An Introduction of Prefigurative politics, Bristol University Press, 2022.
- FAUCHER Florence, Les rituels de vote en France, Extinction de vote ?, Presses Universitaires de France, 2022.
- GARRITZMANN Julian, HÄUSERMANN Silja, PALIER Bruno, KURER Thomas, PINGGERA Michael, The Emergence of Knowledge Economies: Educational Expansion, Labor Market Changes, and the Politics of Social Investment, The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I, Oxford University Press, 2022.
- GARRITZMANN Julian, HÄUSERMANN Silja, PALIER Bruno, The Politics of Social Investment in the Knowledge Economy: Analytical Insights from a Global Comparison Chapter 16. In Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier dir., The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
- GARRITZMANN Julian, HÄUSERMANN Silja, PALIER Bruno, The Politics of Social Investment: A Global Theoretical Framework. In Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier dir., The World Politics of Social Investment Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
- GARRITZMANN Julian, HÄUSERMANN Silja, PALIER Bruno, Toward a Worldwide View on the Politics of Social Investment. In Oxford University Press dir., The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I, Oxford University Press, 2022.
- GENIEYS William, Le fil élitaire dans la sociologie politique comparée de Mattei Dogan, Mattei Dogan Pionnier de la recherche comparative internationale en sciences sociales, Le Manuscrit, 2022.
- GORBACH Denys, L’économie politique de l’Ukraine de 1991 à 2022 : régimes de propriété, politique institutionnelle et clivages identitaires, L’invasion de l’Ukraine : Histoires, conflits et résistances populaires, Paris : La Dispute, 2022.
- MAYER Nonna, Sociology and Political Participation. In Oxford University Press dir., The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, 2022.
- PORTE Caroline De La, PALIER Bruno, The Politics of European Union’s Social Investment Initiatives. In Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier dir., The World Politics of Social Investment: Volume I. Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
- ROZENBERG Olivier, Minority Governments in France: A Mix of Presidential and Parliamentary Logics, Minority Governments in Comparative Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2022.
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