Press clipping files

La Bibliothèque de Sciences Po a, entre 1945 et 2005, constitué des dossiers de coupures de presse sur l'actualité politique, économique, sociale et culturelle de la France et de chacun des pays et régions du monde.

From 1945 to 2005, the Sciences Po Library compiled press clipping files on current events in politics, economics, society, and culture, in France and abroad.

  • The collection contains 18,000 files, from 1945 to 2005.
  • Each file contains around 300 press clippings, opinion articles and analyses from a representative selection of French and foreign periodicals.
  • The files are listed in the library’s general catalogue.

Digitized Files

The oldest portion of the collection (1945-1975 primarily, all countries and regions of the world, and international relations) is in the process of being digitized and can be consulted both directly from the library catalogue and from the Sciences Po digital library.

Aller versAccess the digitized press files

Icone signalant un accès réservé aux dossiers de presse numérisésCaution! These files can be viewed by members of the Sciences Po community after authentication.

Subject Collections 

Certain collections of digitized press files constitute valuable resources of considerable historical interest on various subjects and historical periods.

For example, The End of Colonies (FR) is a major collection bringing together all online files dealing with colonial empires and their disintegration, as well as those on the memory of colonialism, from 1945 to 2005. 

Microfiche Files

Around 1,200 files on the following topics related to French history are kept only in microfiche form:

  • Fourth Republic: 1945-1958
  • Indochina War: 1945-1954
  • Political parties and elections: 1958-1988

In the catalogue, they are indicated by the letters MF (=microform) at the start of the summary corresponding to each volume.

To view these materials (onsite only), you must make an appointment :

Tel: +33 (0) / +33 (0)

Paper Files

Files must be requested through the online catalogue before 3:30pm for retrieval the next day after 10:30am.

For information concerning press files:

Documents by appointment :

Reading room 2nd floor, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume

(see opening hours)

Updated on 30/01/2024

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