Annuler :
09:00 05:45
Organised by Anatole Le Bras. Funded by the Centre for History and Economics in Paris and hosted by the Centre for History at Sciences Po… Lire la suite

Emotions, climate, and the environment.
Historical perspectives (18th-21st centuries)

Friday May 24, 2024
Sciences Po, Campus de Paris
1 place Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin

Morning chair: Anatole Le Bras (Centre for History and Economics in Paris)

9:00-9:15 | Anatole Le Bras, Introduction 

9:15-10:45 | Emotional perceptions of the weather - Anouchka Vasak (Université de Poitiers/EHESS), «Où sont les neiges d’antan ? Brève histoire de la perception du froid» [A brief attempt to historicise the perception of the cold] 

- Clare Hickman (Newcastle University), «Air, weather and multispecies encounters: An exploration of patients’ environmental experiences of British modern medical institutions» 

10:45-11:00 | coffee break 

11:00-12:30 | Medical inquiries 

- Eva Yampolsky (Université de Genève) «Climate and seasonality as factors of suicidality in 19th-century French psychiatric discourse» 

- Léo Bernard (IFRIS) «Une science enchantée. S’émerveiller de l’influence du cosmos sur la vie humaine (première moitié du XXe siècle)» [Enchanted science. Studies on the cosmos’ influence on human life in the first half of the 20th century] 

12:30-2 pm | lunch break


Afternoon chair: Giacomo Parrinello (Centre for History at Sciences Po)

 2:00-3:30 | Deadly and crazy emotions

- Thomas Dodman (Columbia University), «From nostalgia to solastalgia: the history and nature of an emotion» 

- Rebecca Jones (La Trobe University), «Navigating crazy weather in arid Australia. 1900s-1950s» 

3:30-3:45 | coffee break 

3:45-5:15 | Psychopathology of the environmental crisis 

- Maïa Fansten (Université (Université Paris-Cité) «Eco-anxiety: the significance of a new emotion, between psychology and politics» 

- Sandrine Aumercier (Psychanalyste, Berlin) «Psychanalyse, mélancolie environnementale et crise du capitalisme» [Psychoanalysis, environmental melancholia, and the crisis of capitalism] 

5:15-5:45 pm | General discussion


Organisé par : Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Évènement en Anglais
09:00 05:45
Organised by Anatole Le Bras. Funded by the Centre for History and Economics in Paris and hosted by the Centre for History at Sciences Po… Lire la suite

Emotions, climate, and the environment.
Historical perspectives (18th-21st centuries)

Friday May 24, 2024
Sciences Po, Campus de Paris
1 place Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin

Morning chair: Anatole Le Bras (Centre for History and Economics in Paris)

9:00-9:15 | Anatole Le Bras, Introduction 

9:15-10:45 | Emotional perceptions of the weather - Anouchka Vasak (Université de Poitiers/EHESS), «Où sont les neiges d’antan ? Brève histoire de la perception du froid» [A brief attempt to historicise the perception of the cold] 

- Clare Hickman (Newcastle University), «Air, weather and multispecies encounters: An exploration of patients’ environmental experiences of British modern medical institutions» 

10:45-11:00 | coffee break 

11:00-12:30 | Medical inquiries 

- Eva Yampolsky (Université de Genève) «Climate and seasonality as factors of suicidality in 19th-century French psychiatric discourse» 

- Léo Bernard (IFRIS) «Une science enchantée. S’émerveiller de l’influence du cosmos sur la vie humaine (première moitié du XXe siècle)» [Enchanted science. Studies on the cosmos’ influence on human life in the first half of the 20th century] 

12:30-2 pm | lunch break


Afternoon chair: Giacomo Parrinello (Centre for History at Sciences Po)

 2:00-3:30 | Deadly and crazy emotions

- Thomas Dodman (Columbia University), «From nostalgia to solastalgia: the history and nature of an emotion» 

- Rebecca Jones (La Trobe University), «Navigating crazy weather in arid Australia. 1900s-1950s» 

3:30-3:45 | coffee break 

3:45-5:15 | Psychopathology of the environmental crisis 

- Maïa Fansten (Université (Université Paris-Cité) «Eco-anxiety: the significance of a new emotion, between psychology and politics» 

- Sandrine Aumercier (Psychanalyste, Berlin) «Psychanalyse, mélancolie environnementale et crise du capitalisme» [Psychoanalysis, environmental melancholia, and the crisis of capitalism] 

5:15-5:45 pm | General discussion


Organisé par : Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
Évènement en Anglais