17:00 19:00
Cette conférence est organisée dans le cadre de la Chaire d'études sur le fait religieux… Lire la suite
Événement en présentiel 
Lieu : Salons scientifiques (B108), 1 place Saint-Thomas - 75007 Paris
La culturalisation du catholicisme en France
Cette conférence est organisée dans le cadre de la Chaire d'études sur le fait religieux
Intervenant :
Elayne Oliphant, New York University
Elayne Oliphant a publié : The Privilege of Being Banal. Art, Secularism, and Catholicism in Paris, The University of Chicago Press, 2021. 
Discutant :
Denis Pelletier, Ecole pratique des hautes études
Présidence : 
Alain Dieckhoff, Sciences Po-CERI

Responsables scientifiques de l'événement : Stéphane Lacroix et Alain Dieckhoff

Organisé par : CERI
18:00 20:00
Événement en présentiel 
Lieu : Salons scientifiques (B108), 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin - 75007 Paris
Présentation d'ouvrage
« Le diplomate et les Français de l’étranger.
Comprendre les pratiques de l’Etat à l’égard de sa diaspora »

aux Presses de Sciences Po par Christian Lequesne, professeur de science politique au CERI.
Binationaux, expatriés, actifs internationalisés, retraités, étudiants et, de plus en plus, e-travailleurs, les quelque 2,5 millions de citoyens français vivant à l'étranger sont loin de constituer une communauté homogène. Par le biais de son réseau diplomatique et consulaire, l’État cherche à construire une relation avec cette diaspora en mettant à sa disposition des services et des institutions (lycée français, système de protection sociale, chambre de commerce, mais aussi élus consulaires et parlementaires) qui lui permettent de ne pas renoncer au lien avec le territoire d’origine.

Enquête inédite de science politique menée sur trois continents, l’ouvrage met au jour une pratique diplomatique de la France qui reste largement régalienne : l’État continue de considérer ses ressortissants à l’étranger comme ses protégés, mais peine davantage à faire d’eux une ressource productive au service d’une véritable stratégie d’influence.

Intervenantes et intervenants :
Sylvain Beck, sociologue, spécialiste des migrations
Samantha Cazebonne, sénatrice des Français de l’étranger
Thomas Lacroix, directeur de recherche au CNRS, spécialiste des migrations.
Si vous souhaitez assister à la conférence en ligne, merci de vous inscire en cliquant ici 

Responsable scientifique : Christian Lequesne

Organisé par : CERI
06/06/2024 07/06/2024
14:00 18:00
Imperial and colonial currencies. Monetary supply, Policy, and Circulation, 16th-20th centuries. Conference, 6-7 June 2024, Sciences Po Center for History (CHSP) Organizers: Hugo Carlier (CHSP) and Juliette Françoise (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – Université de Genève)… Lire la suite

Day 1 - Thursday 6 June

14:00-14:30 Welcome coffee

14:30-14:45  Introduction 

Panel 1. Imperial Currencies and Imperial Space

Chair Panel: Anne Conchon (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)


  • Arielle Alterwaite, (University of Pennsylvania), “Political Economies of the Haitian Gourde, Counterfeit and Otherwise”.
  • Gabriel Lietner (Université de Genève) and Gianandrea Nodari (Université de Genève), “London '33: Currency blocs and Imperial Monetary Policy”. 
  • Brecht Nijman (Huygens Institute, KNAW), “Counting out the Money: Cataloging currencies in the Dutch East India Company archive then and now”.

16:45-17:15  Coffee Break

Panel 2. Monetary Agency in Empires

Chair Panel: Patrice Baubeau (Université Paris-Nanterre)


  • Alessandro De Cola (Università di Bologna), “African Agencies in the Making of Colonial Currencies: The Case of Hassan Mussa El Akkad in the Italian Colony of Eritrea (1885-1890)”.
  • Robin Frisch, (University of Bayreuth), “The Quest for Monetary Control in Interwar Togo: Unveiling Colonial Economic Ambiguities”.

 Day 2 - Friday 7 June 

8:30-9:00 : Welcome Coffee 

Panel 3:  Materiality of Money: Minting and Resources in Empires

Chair Panel : Jérôme Jambu (Université Le Havre-Normandie)


  • Gustave Lester (Harvard University), “From Gold Standard to Gold Rush: Precious Metal Science and Money Politics Across Anglo-American Empires, 1750-1830”.
  • Geoffrey Durham (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “A New Ruble for the Russian Empire: Mining and Minting Platinum in the 19th Century”. 

10h30-11h  Coffee break

Panel 4: Imperial and Colonial currencies in Economic Development

Chair Panel : David Todd (CHSP)


  • Matteo Rossi, (Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Torino), “Monetary Independence Henry Carey, the Greenbacks and the United States in the World Market”.
  • Dorcas Djonkui (Université de Douala), “La création du Franc CFA et ses répercussions en Afrique Centrale : le cas du déficit de la balance commerciale sur les produits alimentaires”.

12:30-14:00 Lunch at Sciences Po

Panel 5:  The Introduction of Imperial Currencies : Conquest, Law and Institutions.

Chair Panel: Nicolas Delalande (CHSP) 


  • Ludovic Desmedt (Université de Bourgogne), “To issue paper money in the New World: the contrasting cases of New France and New England (17th-18th centuries)”. 
  • Toyomu Masaki (Kanazawa University), “The French Invasion of the Haut Sénégal and payment issues: 1880-1900”. 
  • Mohammadreza Eghbalizarch (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, IHEID) and Soheil Ghasemi (IHEID), “The Sterling Capitulation: The Imperial Bank of Persia and the British Juridico-Monetary Intervention in Semi-Colonial Iran (1890-1919)”. 

16:00-16:15 Conclusion

16:30-18:00 : Visit of the Musée de la Monnaie (15mins by foot from Sciences Po)

Organisé par : CHSP
Évènement en Anglais
14:00 17:00
A conference organized by the South Asia Program… Lire la suite


Post-election India: what government for what policies?

Venue: Amphi Erignac, 13 rue de l’Université, 75006 Paris

A session organized by the South Asia Program.

Chairs : Christophe Jaffrelot Sciences Po - CERI/CNRS,  Gilles Verniers (Amherst College).
Six famous Indian journalists, well known for their independence: 
Hartosh Singh Bal, Seema Chisti, Apar Gupta, Aakar Patel, Sushant Singh, Siddharth Vadarajan will analyse the results of India’s 17th general elections and their implications in terms of politics and policies.

They will examine key issues, including: who will govern India? What reforms may be implemented? Will India’s diplomacy change?


Scientific coordinator : Christophe Jaffrelot Sciences Po - CERI/CNRS

Organisé par : CERI
17:30 19:00


Book launch 
Alpa Shah, The Incarnations. BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India, London, HarperCollins (2024)
Venue: Amphi Erignac, 13 rue de l’Université, 75006 Paris 
A session organized as part of the South Asia Program
Alpa Shah who is award-winning of author of Le Livres De La Jungle Insurgée, is currently a Professor of Anthropology at London School of Economics and will be the next Professor of Social Anthropology at Oxford University with a Fellowship at All Souls College.
She will present her latest book on « the Bhima-Khoregaon accused » The Incarnations. BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India, London, HarperCollins, 2024
Sushant Singh, Lecturer at the South Asian Studies Council of Yale University, will introduce the discussion.

Scientific coordinator : Christophe Jaffrelot, Sciences Po - CERI / CNRS

Organisé par : CERI
09:00 16:00
A hybrid conference jointly organized by the Center for International Studies (CERI) at SciencesPo, and the European Initiative for Security Studies (EISS)
The Origins of War and Diplomacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Room: Salons scientifiques, Sciences Po, 1 Place St Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris
Human groups have waged war and engaged in peaceful diplomatic practices since at least the time of Ancient Mesopotamia. Ever since, the coexistence of these two seemingly contradictory practices has been a defining feature of human societies.
What are the origins of this Janus-faced duality of war and peaceful diplomatic practices that has cut across human communities throughout world history? Do war and diplomacy have deep roots in the human lineage, reaching back to prehistory, when humans lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers? Or did they emerge as a more recent cultural innovation when human groups transitioned from nomadic hunter-gathering to sedentary, densely populated, and hierarchical societies, subsequently giving rise to state societies?
To address these questions, this conference brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines to examine evidence from palaeoanthropology, archaeology, linguistics, primatology, and political science, thereby shedding new light on the origins of war and diplomacy in our species.
Introductory Remarks
Hugo Meijer, Sciences Po-CERI / EISS
Panel 1: Cooperation & Conflict in the Natural World

Chair: Christian Lequesne, Sciences Po-CERI

  • Carsten De Dreu, Leiden University: Intergroup conflict in humans and other species
  • Liran Samuni, German Primate Center, Göttingen: Cooperation and Conflict Chimpanzees and Bonobos
Panel 2: The Peace/Violence Paradox: The Evolution of Language & Self-Domestication
Chair: Chiara Ruffa, Sciences Po-CERI
  • Richard Wrangham, Harvard University: The peace/violence paradox in the human species: implications for international relationships
  • Katie Slocombe, University of York: Chimpanzee communication in conflict and cooperation: Implications for the evolution of language
12.15–13.15: Lunch
Panel 3: The Origins of War & Diplomacy: Insights from Archaeology
Chair: Hugo Meijer, Sciences Po-CERI
  • Christopher Knüsel, University of Bordeaux: Unwritten Testimony from the Past: Uncovering Evidence of Prehistoric Violence and Warfare
  • Linda Fibiger, University of Edinburgh: Bioarchaeological approaches to gendered violence in prehistoric Europe


Panel 4: The Origins of War & Diplomacy: Insights from Ethnography
Chair: Chiara Ruffa, Sciences Po-CERI
  • William Buckner, University College London: Clothing and deception in forager warfare
  • Hugo Meijer, Sciences Po-CERI / EISS: Foreign policy before the State : Diplomatic practices in prehistory
Concluding Remarks
Hugo Meijer, Sciences Po-CERI / EISS
Organisé par : CERI