12:30 14:30

Presentiel event 

CERI & CRIS Joint Seminar

Bringing the Social Back In: Secularization Under Theocracy in Iran

Venue: Room Goguel, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris

The bulk of the current discussions and debates on religion and secularity in the Muslim world, including in Iran, suffers from an array of conceptual confusion, historical amnesia, and analytical simplifications. This is partly the consequence of the dominance of highly politicized narratives and the Neo-Orientalist modes of thinking, in which ‘state’ and ‘ideas’ are treated as the main drivers of historical change, including changes related to religion.

In Sacred as Secular: Secularization under Theocracy in Iran (2022, McGill-Queen’s University Press), Abdolmohammad Kazemipur offers an alternative account. Relying on a wide range of empirical data and using a Durkheimian sociological perspective, Kazemipur demonstrates the various dimensions of a deep secularization that has been underway in Iran in the Islamic Republic era and discusses the implications of those trends for the global debates on religion and secularity in the Muslim world.

Abdie Kazemipur, Professor of sociology and the Chair of Ethnic Studies at the University of Calgary

Riva Kastoryano, Sciences Po - CERI, CNRS




Organisé par : CERI
Évènement en english