14:00 16:00




Évènement en présentiel

Lieu : 28 rue des Saints-Pères
Salle : H202A

Une séance organisée dans le cadre du séminaire Catastrophes, gestion du danger et réparations.

Juridical expertise and political commitment
Justice and reparation for victims of violence in contemporary Latin America

Diego Zenobi, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET

Nicolas Dodier, EHESS-CEMS

With the invention and spread of transitional justice, reparatory policies have spread to the extent of reaching a global scope. In this lecture I will address various reparatory processes that have emerged in the Latin American context. We can appreciate two different paradigms: the "old" models centred on the notion of "compensation" and the "new" forms oriented towards a "comprehensive reparations". In this context, I address the emergence of the compensation category "damage to the project of life" applied by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Organization of American States-OAS).

An ethnographic approach to these reparation devices emphasises the moral evaluations and expectations of the victims, as well as the professionals with whom they interact. In these contexts, discrepancies are often observed between the formal institutional objectives of reparatory mechanisms and the expectations of those agents.

I will show that experts and lay people engage with these mechanisms and work to reorient them towards the fulfilment of their own expectations of justice. I am particularly interested in the role of "committed advocates" who articulate professional expertise and political commitment to victims' struggles. I analyze the legal stakes and innovations that they promote in the field of law and its associated dilemmas. Drawing on data and materials provided by several ethnographies on Latin America, I intend to show that just as devices make people, people make devices.


Responsable scientifique : Sandrine Revet, Sciences Po-CERI

Organisé par : CERI
Évènement en english