17:00 19:00

Événement en présentiel

How the Post Sovereign Constitution Making Project Can go Wrong: Turkey, Hungary, Poland, and South Africa

Venue: Room S1, second floor, 28 rue des Saints-Pères - 75007 Paris

The conference will compare the post sovereign paradigm, and its historical form of the negotiated transition, to the forms of reform and revolution in constitution making processes. The goal will be to critically examine this form, and to propose a version, with suitable safeguards and modifications, for future constitution making processes. These will be necessary if the authoritarian turn in countries such as Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland (and others) is to be reversed. The problem goes beyond the constitutionalization of a democratic transition and raises the long-term goal of leaving the cycle between authoritarian populism and oligarchic rule.

Andrew Arato, Dorothy Hart Hirshon Professor in Political and Social Theory, New School for Social Research


Responsables scientifiques : Bayram BALCI, Sciences Po - CERI/CNRS, Nicolas MONCEAU, IRM, Université de Bordeaux et Timothy RENO, IPLI Fondation

Organisé par : CERI