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Une séance dans le cadre du séminaire conjoint CERI - CEE (Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée)  : Les sciences sociales en question : grandes controverses épistémologiques et méthodologiques.… Lire la suite

Événement en présentiel

Lieu : Salle Pierre Hassner (S1), 2e étage, 28 rue des Saints-Pères -  75007 Paris

Cross-national survey data: traps to avoid

Une séance dans le cadre du séminaire conjoint CERI - CEE (Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée)  : Les sciences sociales en question : grandes controverses épistémologiques et méthodologiques.

The development of large cross-national surveys (ESS, EVS, ISSP) has considerably boosted comparative research. But the equivalence of the collected data from one country to another is not obvious.  Drawing from her own research and innovative mixed method approaches, Katharina Meitinger, proposes a checklist of the major biases to be aware of at all levels (concepts, question items, mode of collect) and the way to overcome them. Emmanuele Ferragina discusses these methodological issues from a public policies analysis perspective. 
Katharina Meitinger (Department of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University), has focused her recent research on comparability problems of cross-national survey data. She has recently published: “Detecting and explaining missing comparability in cross-national studies: The case of citizen evaluation of patriotism, Survey Research Methods, 17(4), 2023, p. 493-507 (with P. Schmidt and M. Braun); “Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives”, Social Science Research, 110, Article 102805 (with H. Leitgöb et al.) 
Emanuele Ferragina (Sciences Po, CRIS, LIEPP), is a specialist of  international political economy and comparative social policy and particularly interested in methodological issues, in  public policy analysis. He has recently published: "Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK", Social Politics, vol. 30(3), 2023, p. 871-902 (with Edoardo Magalini); "Comparative mainstreaming? Mapping the uses of the comparative method in social policy, sociology, and political science since the 1970s", Journal of European Social Policy, 33 (1), 2023, p. 132-147.2023(with Christopher Deeming). 

Nonna Mayer, Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS



Coordination scientifique: Samy Cohen, SciencesPo-CERI, Nonna Mayer, Sciences Po-CEE, CNRS

Organisé par : CERI