Publications récentes

12 octobre 2023

Santiago Gorostiza, Giacomo Parrinello, Daniel Aguettaz-Vilchez & David Saurí, « Where have all the sediments gone? Reservoir silting and sedimentary justice in the lower Ebro River », Political Geography, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Santiago Gorostiza, Giacomo Parrinello, Daniel Aguettaz-Vilchez & David Saurí intitulé « Where have all the sediments gone? Reservoir silting and sedimentary justice in the lower Ebro River » dans la revue Political Geography, paru en octobre 2023. Extract At the intersection of natural and social sciences, interest in river sedimentary fluxes and their alteration by human activities is increasing in the context of general retreat of delta formations. Since the 1950s, the construction of large dams in the main course of rivers has produced, among other impacts, a radical decrease in sedimentary fluxes — a key factor in the worldwide sedimentary […]
3 juillet 2023

Adalberto Cardoso & Edmond Préteceille, « The Middle classes and socio-spatial transformations in the metropolises of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo: 2000-2010 », Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Adalberto Cardoso & Edmond Préteceille intitulé « The Middle classes and socio-spatial transformations in the metropolises of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo: 2000-2010 » publié dans le numéro 25, de la revue Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 2023. Extract The first decade of the 21st century was marked in Brazil by important economic, social and political changes: a significant reduction in income inequalities; important decrease in unemployment and the growth of formal employment; a fair portion of the population got out of poverty through social policies; the increase in investment in education, […]
29 juin 2023

Sukriti Issar, « Nuisance, Planning and the Common Law in Late Eighteenth-Century Bombay », The Journal of Legal History, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Sukriti Issar intitulé « Nuisance, Planning and the Common Law in Late Eighteenth-Century Bombay » dans la revue The Journal of Legal History, paru en juin 2023. Extract The literature on the legal transfer of English property law to colonial South Asia has long focused on the agrarian context. Urban property and the built environment remain understudied. This article explores how the common law of nuisance found its way into the workings of a Committee of Buildings in late eighteenth-century Bombay. An analysis of the internal files of the Committee of Buildings shows that […]