Publications récentes

12 juin 2023

Joost de Moor, « What Moment for Climate Activism? », South Atlantic Quarterly, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Joost de Moor intitulé « Introduction: What Moment for Climate Activism? » dans le numéro 122 de la revue South Atlantic Quarterly, paru en janvier 2023. Extract Since late 2018, the world—Europe, Australia, and North America in particular—have seen a great wave of climate activism. Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Fridays For Future (FFF) in particular brought a large number of (new) climate activists into the streets, until the pandemic brought the mobilization to a halt. The contours of this mobilization have already been described elsewhere (de Moor et al. 2021). Here, we focus on […]
8 juin 2023

Charlotte Liotta, Vincent Viguié & Felix Creutzig, « Environmental and welfare gains via urban transport policy portfolios across 120 cities », Nature Sustainability, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Charlotte Liotta, Vincent Viguié et Felix Creutzig intitulé « Environmental and welfare gains via urban transport policy portfolios across 120 cities » dans la revue Nature Sustainability. Abstract City-level policies are increasingly recognized as key components of strategies to reduce transport greenhouse gas emissions. However, at a global scale, their total efficiencies, costs and practical feasibility remain unclear. Here we use a spatially explicit monocentric urban economic model, systematically calibrated on 120 cities worldwide, to analyse the impact of four representative policies aimed at mitigating transportation greenhouse gas emissions, also accounting for their economic […]
7 juin 2023

Sébastien Dutreuil & Pierre Charbonnier, « Philosophy of the Anthropocene », Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’une entrée d’encyclopédie rédigée par Sébastien Dutreuil et Pierre Charbonnier intitulée « Philosophy of the Anthropocene » dans l’Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science paru aux éditions Oxford University Press en 2023. Résumé The Anthropocene was proposed in 2000 as the name of a new geological epoch, succeeding to the Holocene, and marked by the influence of humanity as a biological species on its geological environment. It has resonated differently in three major epistemological domains, where the configurations of the debate has varied. For Earth system science, within which the term emerged, the Anthropocene was a keyword […]
7 juin 2023

Giacomo Parrinello, « Water as Infrastructure and the Scalar Mismatch », Environment and Infrastructure, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un chapitre de Giacomo Parrinello intitulé « Water as Infrastructure and the Scalar Mismatch » dans l’ouvrage Environment and Infrastructure paru chez De Gruyter Oldenbourg en 2023. Extrait In 2003, during a heat wave that killed tens of thousands across Europe, the basin of the Po River experienced a major drought. The discharge of the Po reached record lows, with cascading effects for agriculture and energy production. Distress was particularly acute in the delta, where seawater penetrated far inland with resulting contamination of groundwater and irrigation intakes. Thermoelectric power plants located along the Po River lacked cooling […]
7 juin 2023

Thomas Lacroix, « From a « De Facto » to a « De Jure » Role of Local Authorities in the Governance of International Migration », Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un chapitre de Thomas Lacroix intitulé « From a De Facto to a De Jure Role of Local Authorities in the Governance of International Migration » dans le Research Handbook on the Institutions of Global Migration Governance édité par Edward Elgar Publishing. Extract In November 2018, the 5th Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development took place in Marrakesh. The event went relatively unheeded, as it was overshadowed by the signing of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration by UN Member States, which took place at the same time. Yet the Mayoral Forum […]