Resources in Evaluation


Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches

LIEPP took part in the preparation of a bilingual book presenting 24 qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods or approaches in evaluation. The book is available online in French and in open access.




Evaluation: fondements, controverses, perspectives

As part of its transversal activities in public policy evaluation, LIEPP participated in the preparation of an anthology of 33 fundamental texts in evaluation, initially published in English and which were originally translated into French for this collection. The book was published by Sciences et Bien commun (Quebec) and is fully accessible online in open access



Guide "How to articulate qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of public policies"

Adam Baïz (France Stratégie) and Anne Revillard (Director of the LIEPP) have co-written the methodological guide "How to articulate qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of public policies". This guide presents the complementarity between quantitative and qualitative methods in impact assessment. It aims to promote a rigorous and fruitful articulation of evaluation methods, both among public institutions and among researchers and private sector practitioners. Consult the methodological guide (written in French).

LIEPP Methods Briefs

LIEPP methods briefs present a variety of approaches and methods of evaluation in a concise and accessible way, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Their aim is to facilitate the appropriation of these methods and approaches by a diverse audience: researchers who are not specialized in these methods, policy stakeholders, civil society, and students (educational material). Read the Methods Briefs

QUALEVAL: A toolkit for qualitative evaluative research 

QUALEVAL is meant to to serve as a resource for professional evaluators and academic researchers interested in evaluation, in France and around the world. Beyond its use for qualitative researchers and evaluators, the project aims to make the basic principles of qualitative techniques accessible to those trained and practising in quantitative methods, in order to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and the development of mixed-method projects. Consult QUALEVAL 

Methodological ressources for literature reviews 

LIEPP promotes interdisciplinary literature reviews as a tool for public policy evaluation. This page aims to bring together and make accessible methodological resources for conducting different types of literature reviews in order to facilitate the adoption of this practice.
Consult the methodological ressources


Contributions to the reflection on Evaluation of public policies 

LIEPP contributes to the reflection on the evaluation of public policies (interventions / publications).



Cycle of seminars : Methods and approaches in evaluation (METHEVAL)

The series of seminars "Methods and Approaches in Evaluation" (METHEVAL) aims to deepen the reflection on methods and approaches in public policy evaluation from an interdisciplinary point of view open to the diversity of perspectives. Programme and presentations available.

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