Home>Research>Project>Investigating the role of philanthropic actors in the development of palliative care
Investigating the role of philanthropic actors in the development of palliative care

Work in progress.
Research team: Daniel Benamouzig (CSO-CNRS), Henri Bergeron (CSO-CNRS), Aurélie Segret (research assistant, LIEPP)
Since December 2013, LIEPP, in partnership with Fondation de France, leads a research study investigating the impact of philanthropic actos in the palliative care sector.
This project is hosted by LIEPP's "Health policy" research group. It seeks to analyse the contribution of philanthropic actors in the emergence, construction, development and structuration of the palliative care field. More generally, this research will focus on the analysis of mechanisms of legitimization and institutionalization of palliative care workers as a professional group in the healthcare system.
This study will be conducted in 2014 and will lead to the presentation of a report and other scientific publications in 2015.
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