Home>Paul Max Morin, Prix de thèse de L’INJEP

Paul Max Morin, Prix de thèse de L’INJEP
Congratulations to Paul Max Morin (PhD in Political Science, comparative politics - CEVIPOF) for the jury's special mention for his thesis entitled « Leur guerre d’Algérie : Enjeux de mémoire dans la socialisation politique des jeunes Français », for its quality and its contribution to knowledge of young people.
As part of its support for research, and with the aim of bringing the administrative and scientific spheres closer together, this year INJEP presented the second edition of the « Prix de thèse de l’INJEP ». The aim of this prize is to reward recently published work for its exceptional quality, originality and interest in the INJEP's thematic fields.
The Prix de thèse de l’INJEP is to be awarded annually, according to three rotating themes: youth, associative life and popular education, and sports practices.
A 2023 edition devoted to youth and youth policies
For this second edition in 2023, the IPrix de thèse de l’INJEP will support work on youth and youth policies, one of the Institute's major areas of work. Through its surveys, studies and evaluations, the INJEP is interested in all aspects of young people's lives: formal and non-formal education, professional and social integration, community and civic involvement, health, sexuality, sporting, cultural and digital practices, housing, etc.