Niccolò Morelli

January, 2019 - February, 2019

Visiting PhD Candidate

University of Bologna

Niccolò Morelli is a PhD Student in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Bologna. His research interests focus on urban sociality, urban socio-professional and generational segregation. He actually works on Social Street phenomenon across Italian cities in the Observatory on Social Streets and on residential segregation in Milan, Rome and Naples. He recently wrote “Le basi/le origini: i fondatori "fondazziani" e il movimento social street, in: Cristina Pasqualini, Vicini e Connessi. Rapporto sulle Social Street a Milano, Milano, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2018.

Thesis: The dynamic of generational residential segregation in Italian metropolises : Milan, Rome and Naples, 1991-2011. 

Research interests

Urban socialisation, residential segregation, generational segregation, mixed methods research, urban regeneration

Visiting projects and objectives

Niccolò Morelli will work on Generational Residential Segregation in Italian metropolises

To know more

Llink to personal webpage




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