Claire Vincent-Mory

December, 2022 - May, 2024


Research Topics

Représentation politique ; Théories de la reconnaissance et de l’autorité ; Minorités et processus de minorisation ; Migrations & Développement

Claire Vincent Mory

Fellow of the Convergences Migrations Institute and qualified in sections 04 and 19 of the CNU, Claire Vincent-Mory is currently a postdoctoral researcher for the European project REPCHANCE. This project aims to better understand the barriers to access of people from migrant backgrounds to positions of responsibility, both in politics and in civil society, while identifying initiatives that promote the overcoming of these barriers and contribute to more inclusive societies.

Her doctoral thesis, defended in 2018 at the University of Paris Nanterre, was devoted to the study of the recognition process of diasporic associative actors in the French development cooperation space since 1981. Since then, her research has focused on understanding the issues of participation and representation of minority groups in political, associative or institutional arenas. In the framework of different research projects, she studies the political representation of social minority groups, as well as the links between descriptive and substantive invisibility, in a comparative approach (INCLUSIVEPARL and POLASIE). She has also conducted a comparative Franco-Italian research extending her PhD thesis, aiming at better understanding the structure of diasporic actors' representation in the governance spaces of the migration & development nexus (Project supported by the Chair of African Diasporas

Recently, in the framework of a transnational multidisciplinary commission of enquiry, she analysed the stakes and practices of authority in the context of a transnational associative organisation affected by revelations of sexual abuse:




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