Carles Pamies

Assistant researcher – ActEU project

Research Topics

Representation, candidate selection, electoral behaviour, diaspora

Carles Pamies is Postdoctoral Fellow at Sciences Po, Paris. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). His research interests include the political representation of migrants, intra-party democracy, and the political behaviour of the diaspora

Carles has been hired in national and international research projects at the National University of Distance Education (Spain), the University of Liège (Belgium), and the UAM, and he has also been visiting research fellow at the University of Oxford (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society - COMPAS). He has taught classes in several formats (seminar, lecture, methodological training sessions) at undergraduate level (Sciences Po) and master’s levels (University of Liège).

His work has been published in a number of journals and publishers, including the American Behavioral Scientist, European Political Science, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Palgrave, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, and Teoría y Realidad Constitucional among others.


ACTEU Towards a new era of representative democracy - Activating European Citizens’ Trust in Times of Crises and Polarization

2. Teaching

Carles Pamies has taught courses at the undergraduate level, such as Introduction to Political Science (main lecture and joint coordination) and Research Methods in Political Science (methodological) at Sciences Po, as well as at the Master’s level, including the Citizenship and Political Participation of Minorities lectures at the University of Liège.

3. Other activities

Reviewer for Party Politics, Frontiers in Political Science, TLA-MELAUA Revista de Ciencias Sociales and PRCS Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales.

Member of the IMISCOE Standing Committee of Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation, the ECPR Standing Group on Migration and Ethnicity, and the Spanish Association of Political Science.

Most recent publications (2022-2023)

Pamies, C. & Cordero, G. (2023). Choosing among the chosen? Electoral lists and party primaries in Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 1-14 [Online First, available here].

Vintila, D., Pamies, C. & Paradés, M. (2023). Electoral (Non)Alignment between Resident and Non-Resident Voters: Evidence from Spain. European Political Science, 22,pp. 63-82. Available here.

Vintila, D., Pérez-Nievas, S., Paradés, M. & Pamies, C. (2023). Diversity in Spanish Politics? Dynamics of Descriptive Representation of Immigrant-Origin Minorities in Local Elections. Politics and Governance [In press].

Pamies, C. (2023). Differential candidate selection in multilevel settings: an analysis of inclusiveness and centralisation levels in Spain. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 182, pp. 97-118. Available here.

Morales, L., Méndez-Lago, M., Pérez-Nievas, S., Palacios, I., Pamies, C., & Sánchez Vítores, I. (2022). Las encuestas a población inmigrante en España (2000-2021). Official report. Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. Available here.

Navarro, C., Pamies, C. and Medir, L. (2022). Throughput Legitimacy in European Local State-Society Networks. In B. Egner et al. (Eds.) Perspectives on Local Governance Across Europe. Palgrave, Macmillan (Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance). Available here. 

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