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Steering Committee
Olivier Godechot, AxPo Director

Professor of Sociology
CNRS Research Professor
Chair Holder
Personal Homepage | Homepage at OSC
Olivier Godechot studies labor markets, in particular financial and academic labor markets, as a means of understanding the development of unequal exchange relations at work and their impact on the dynamics of inequality. He has published four books on finance, labor markets, and traders, including Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry: the Working Rich with Routledge (2017). He is currently conducting research on the process of socioeconomic segregation at work and on the fission of social groups, which he approaches through the study of team moves in finance and law firms, and party splits in politics. Before heading AxPo, Olivier Godechot was Co-director of MaxPo from 2013 to 2022, where he led a research group on the issue of financialization in modern societies.
Philipp Brandt
Philipp Brandt studies emerging professions, expert work and their effects in historical, economic and technological settings. His main project analyzes the construction of a professional “data scientist” identity in New York City’s tech community.
In a new project, he shifts focus to the dying profession of yellow cab drivers. Philipp combines computational methods with qualitative field observations to address these issues.
Isabelle Méjean
Isabelle Méjean is Professor of Economics at Sciences Po since 2021. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR). Among her editorial duties, she is the Managing Editor of Economic Policy as of October 2021 (and just completed a mandate as the Co-Editor of the European Economic Review). She is a member of the Conseil d’Analyse Économique since 2020 as well as Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Kiel Institute.
Isabelle Méjean’s research interests span international macroeconomics and international trade. She is particularly interested in the structure of firm-to-firm trade networks and its consequences for various aggregate outcomes. She publishes regularly in the top peer-reviewed international journals such as American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics, and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
Lou Safra
Lou Safra holds a PhD in cognitive science awarded by the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris in 2017. She is currently assistant professor in political psychology at CEVIPOF-Sciences Po and an associate researcher at the Institut d'Études Cognitives (Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives & Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Computationelles, École Normale Supérieure, Paris). Lou is interested in the cognitive mechanisms underlying social and political behaviour, notably leader choice and cooperation. In particular, she adopts an ecological and evolutionary approach to better understand inter-individual differences in these domains, across both space and time. To do so, she relies on behavioural data, social surveys, computational modelling and, more recently, the analysis of cultural artefacts such as paintings and books.
Matthias Thiemann
Matthias Thiemann is Associate Professor of European Public Policy at Sciences Po Paris. His work focuses on two areas. On the one hand, he analyzes the role of public development banks in attempts by the European Union to develop infrastructural power in the realm of economic policy, on the other hand he analyzes the regulation of financial markets, seeking to bring ideational and political economy accounts together. Prior to Sciences Po, he was an Assistant Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and a Postdoctoral Fellow at ESSEC Business School. His work has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, the Journal of European Public Policy, Regulation and Governance, the Review of International Political Economy and the Journal Regulation and Governance. In 2018, he published a monograph at Cambridge University Press on the regulation of shadow banking, and a new monograph is forthcoming at CUP entitled “Taming the Cycles of Finance? Minskyian Ideas and the shifts in post-crisis financial regulation”.

Allison Rovny, Ph.D., Executive Director
+33 1 45 49 55 86