19:15 21:00
Students for Justice in Palestine, Solidaires Étudiant.e.s Sciences Po Paris et Attac Sciences Po Paris vous invitent à une conférence (en français) visant à explorer des perspectives comparatives sur le thème :… Lire la suite

Students for Justice in Palestine, Solidaires Étudiant.e.s Sciences Po Paris et Attac Sciences Po Paris vous invitent à une conférence en français visant à explorer des perspectives comparatives sur le thème : Gaza, hier et aujourd'hui.

Pour enrichir notre compréhension, trois spécialistes partageront leurs expertises :
- Ivar Ekeland, mathématicien émérite et président de l’AURDIP, nous éclairera sur le quotidien des universités palestiniennes, ainsi que sur la vie des étudiant.e.s et professeur.e.s en Palestine.
- Rima Hassan, juriste engagée et militante franco-palestinienne, abordera la situation des réfugié.e.s palestiniens et le rôle crucial de l’UNRWA.
- Rony Brauman, médecin et ancien Président de Médecins Sans Frontières, dévoilera les défis sanitaires à Gaza et examinera les pratiques humanitaires sous différents angles dont le droit et la rhétorique.

Rendez-vous : Mardi 5 mars, de 19h15 à 21h00, au 13 rue de l'Université, dans l'amphithéâtre Jean Moulin.

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de plonger au cœur des enjeux actuels et historiques de Gaza.

Organisé par : Students for Justice in Palestine
Évènement en français
17:30 19:30
The Political Constraints on Economic Development in the Middle East

Venue: Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume Paris 7

This event is co-organized by the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) and CERI

Prevailing discussions about economic crisis in the Middle East pay inadequate attention to the political constraints that limit the horizon of development.  Neither old state-led economic approaches nor the neoliberal templates that replaced them have resolved the chronic underdevelopment of the region.

Newer paradigms today are based upon a reformulated version of state-led capitalism, namely the so-called “Gulf model” as well as the economic dualism practiced in non-rentier states.  Yet these templates of development suffer social vulnerability and political limitations, the latter reflecting the elite-centric structures of governance that still characterize political authority.  

Imagining a more productive future requires not reformulating technocratic logics that have failed, but rather conceiving of more pluralistic political institutions capable of rendering economic decisions more accountable to popular interests.

Welcome : Stéphanie Balme, Sciences Po - CERI
Introduction : Stéphane Lacroix, Sciences Po - CERI 
Guest Speaker : Hicham Alaoui, University of California Berkeley

Biography : Dr. Hicham Alaoui is a political science lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley.  He is the founder and director of the Hicham Alaoui Foundation, which undertakes innovative social scientific research in the Middle East and North Africa. He currently also serves on the Advisory Board of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. He is a scholar on the comparative politics of democratization and religion.  His latest publications include the monograph Pacted Democracy in the Middle East: Tunisia and Egypt in Comparative Perspective (Palgrave, 2022), as well as the co-edited volumes The Political Economy of Arab Education (Lynne Rienner, 2021) and Security Assistance in the Middle East: Challenges… and the Need for Change (Lynne Rienner, 2023).  He holds an A.B. from Princeton University, M.A. from Stanford University, and D.Phil. from the University of Oxford.  

Discussant : Ishac Diwan, Paris School of Economics




Scientific coordinator : Stéphane Lacroix, Sciences Po - CERI 

Organisé par : CERI