Educational dynamics and policies
- Student protest against precarity (IAU îdF-URBA IMAGES, Jean-Claude PATTACINI )
This research pillar is made up of three fields of inquiry:
- The current transformation of the educational field and educational policies, taking into account the growing influence of social actors formerly outside of the educational system (grandes écoles, companies, local authorities). The center’s researchers use scientific knowledge and new instruments for mobilizing and assessing social actors.
- The dynamics that national and local policies implement in the relationships between schools – at a similar or different level – or within schools between school management, educational professionals and users.
- The individual and collective effects of policies and ways of organizing educational systems, from two perspectives: instrumental (the value of educational certificates in terms of labor market integration and social mobility) and social (impact on social cohesion – more difficult to assess).
Research topics
• Student orientation towards higher education
• Educational governance policies: comparison France-Quebec
• Educational trajectories of the children of teachers
• Educational opportunities in the Paris region
• The social profiles of schools
• Educational trajectories of second-generation immigrants
Current research projects
- L'éducation et la formation des élites du secondaire au supérieur en France : continuités et nouvelles formes d'ouverture sociale et internationale
- Nordic Centre of Excellence : Education for Tomorrow
- (New)AGE - Les politiques de gouvernance par les résultats de l'éducation : une comparaison France-Québec
- La formation des élites en France et en Argentine (Sorbonne Paris Cité - FLASCO)
- Analyse des programmes d'ouverture sociale dans l'enseignement supérieur
- L'assouplissement de la carte scolaire et l'aide à la mobilité des boursiers
- Place des connaissances dans la genèse et la régulation des politiques de santé et de l'enseignement en Europe : convergence et spécificités sectorielles et nationales
Article updated on 29-01-2021