Home>Research>Project>The role of workplaces in hiring discrimination in France : evidence from a large-scale correspondence study (2017)
The role of workplaces in hiring discrimination in France : evidence from a large-scale correspondence study (2017)
Project leader :
- Mirna SAFI (OSC, Co-director of LIEPP's Discriminations and Social Inequalities Research Group)
- Morgane LAOUENAN (CNRS, Co-director of LIEPP's Discriminations and Social Inequalities Research Group)
Research team :
- Roland RATHELOT (Professor of economy, Warwick University)
This project obtained funding from LIEPP through the 2017 call for proposals.
This project aims at measuring the effect of the firm context on minorities' employment opportunity by producing new large-scale data on hiring discrimination in France. We will implement a correspondence study that will be one of the largest ever implemented in France which will allow us to manipulate different discriminatory factors (gender, ethnicity, social class). We will create an artificial pool of applications and randomly assign the discriminatory characteristics to each application. In order to conduct a large-scale correspondence study, we will send fictitious applications to real job vacancies posted on the five major platforms of online job boards in the French labor market (Monster, Jobijoba, Indeed, Keljob, ANPE, APEC and Le Bon Coin). We will respond daily to job advertisements provided by the major online platforms. Using the official repository of all establishments (SIRENE), the results of our correspondence study will be merged with firm-level data (DADS) and fiscal data (FARE) that will allow us to investigate the role of the workplace context. Our project will be the first to provide systematic and extensive evidence on workplace inequality in France concerning access to employment.
Poster of the project - May 2020
Publications :
Clémence BERSON, Morgane LAOUENAN and Emmanuel VALAT, Outsourcing recruitment as a solution to prevent discrimination: A correspondence study, Labour Economics (A paraître).
Clémence BERSON, Morgane LAOUENAN and Emmanuel VALAT, Outsourcing recruitment as a solution to prevent discrimination: A correspondence study, LIEPP Working Paper n°104, February 2020.
Clémence BERSON, Morgane LAOUENAN and Emmanuel VALAT, Outsourcing recruitment as a solution to prevent discrimination: A correspondence study, VOX CEPR Policy Portal, April 26th 2019.