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PhD in History
The School of Research delivers advanced research-based training in History, with a strong professional development component and an international focus apparent in the themes covered, the presence of foreign students and faculty, and a range of courses in English. Courses are systematically linked to the main research areas already pursued by permanent faculty members.
The PhD in History offers unique training in the fields of political, transnational, and global history. The programme particularly welcomes candidates whose topic relates to one of the Centre for History’s four main research themes.
The objective of the PhD programme in history is to train scholars who grasp the key historiographical problems and concepts, are highly skilled in archival research, and are equipped to engage in the international historiographical debate.
The historians we educate combine a broad knowledge of contemporary history with specialist skills; they are able both to conduct important, innovative research, and to teach general history courses at the undergraduate and secondary school levels. To this end, PhD students are invited to participate in and contribute to a wide array of research seminars, as well as monthly workshops to discuss work in progress.
In addition, the programme encourages PhD students and faculty to collaborate in organising research seminars and various teaching activities. A large number of international academics are invited to come and discuss their research with doctoral students each year.
Career opportunities abound: research and teaching at university or secondary level, government, higher education administration, foundations, think tanks and other non-academic research organisations, museums, cultural institutions, journalism, publishing houses, the media, and the private sector more generally.