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The Media Centre

Section #presentation
The TV Studio (credits: École de journalisme)

Founded in September 2017 and directed by the Sciences Po Journalism School, the Media Centre provides educational resources for undergraduate and Master’s students at Sciences Po (outside of journalism programmes). This wealth of resources offers them an insight into the workings of information and the media.

Section #points-cles

Key points

Section #objectifs

Teaching objectives

The aim of the Media Centre is to familiarise students who so wish with the universe of journalism: content production and editing, distinction between fact and opinion, concision in writing, fact checking techniques, speaking live in an interview, public speaking, the logic and procedures behind information media. Students gain an introduction to all these elements and to journalistic practices as a whole.

All courses offered are practical in focus and taught by media professionals from the Journalism School’s teaching staff.

Section #public


Understand the workings of the press and media - Read and decode news content (written, video) - Distinguishing truth from falsehood in the flow of information - Writing to be read - Structuring your ideas in an article or column published in a newspaper - Adapting your tone for a particular readership, whether in France or internationally - Answering in a live interview - Interacting with a community on social media

Section #programme


At PSIA (Paris School of International Affairs), the Media Centre runs:

At the School of Public Affairs, the Media Centre runs:

At the Undergraduate College, the Media Centre runs:

  • Workshops once a semester for students on the Paris Campus.
  • Workshops once a semester for students on the Reims Campus (Europe–North America and Europe–Africa programmes
