Prochain séminaire général

Prochain séminaire général

21 mars 2023
11h15 - Format hybride
  • Mary ScudderMary Scudder

Mary Scudder interviendra sur Deliberation and its Limits in Divided Democracies -(intervention en anglais)

Résumé : How do we facilitate deliberation across deep identity differences and political disagreement? Deliberative democratic theory has ushered in a talk-centric rather than a vote-centric understanding of democracy. The central claim of deliberative democracy is that the legitimacy of a decision depends as much on the quality of deliberation that precedes voting as it does on the outcome of the vote itself. In this talk, Scudder draws on her previous work to show that in a democracy, citizens do not have to agree with their political opponents and cross-partisans, but they do have to listen to them. Being heard by others is what ensures we have a say in the laws to which we are held. Nevertheless, listening to those with whom we disagree is hard and often fraught. Scudder explains the democratic power of listening even in deeply divided societies and explores how we can encourage democratic listening across identity differences. She also considers the limits of deliberative democracy and, drawing from her forthcoming book, explains when a more adversarial orientation to political engagement might be democratically warranted.

Discutant : Kevin Arceneaux 

En présentiel : salle du Conseil, 13, rue de L'Université

En distanciel : s'inscrire auprès de 

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