Marta Pachocka
Novembre, 2015
Visiting research fellow
Dr. Marta Pachocka is assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration, Collegium of Socio-Economics at Warsaw School of Economics (since 2014). She received her PhD in Economics in 2013 with a specialisation in International Relations. She graduated from Warsaw School of Economics in 2010 (Master in International Relations with specialisation in Diplomacy and International Politics and Master in Marketing and Management). She completed CEMS Masters in International Management Programme the same year. Dr. Pachocka studied at Sciences Po Paris in the framework of the Erasmus Scholarship Programme in 2008 (Master du Monde Musulman) and at HEC Paris within CEMS MIM Programme in 2009. She acts as secretary of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) since 2013. Moreover, she is affiliated with the Academic Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES), the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Polish Economic Society (PTE). Marta has collaborated with the French Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Poland as business consultant. She worked as one of the coordinators of a Jean Monnet Project (Lifelong Learning Programme) entitled LAcadémie du Jeune Européen in 2013/2014. In addition, she was assistant project coordinator / project manager of the International Conference entitled Facing the Challenges in the European Union. Re-thinking of EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth (EuInteg) held at Warsaw School of Economics in May 2015. The project was co-financed by the European Union (Jean Monnet Information Project, Programme Erasmus+) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (Action Co-operation in the Area of Public Diplomacy 2015).
Beneficiary of Young Scientists Research Grants funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education since 2012. One of ten researchers involved in the project on Sustainable growth and global public goods in theory and practice of international organisations coordinated by Professor Ewa Latoszek in the years 20132016 and financed by the National Science Centre in Poland in the framework of the OPUS Grant. Involved as expert in a Jean Monnet Project on Deepening Understanding, Information and Communication of the European Union in the Eastern Partnership coordinated by Professor Vasile Cucerescu from the International Relations Institute of Moldova and financed by Jean Monnet Support to Institutions and Associations as a part of the Erasmus+ Programme since September 2015.
Lecturer in the fields of: Economics, International Economics, European Economy, World Economy, EU External Economic Relations, Socio-demographic Changes in Europe. Author or co-author of book chapters, scientific articles and teaching materials in Polish and English.
Research interests :
- European integration, EU in international relations, EU studies
- Demographics of the EU and its Member States with a focus on France and Poland
- EU and international migration
- Immigration policy of the EU, France and Poland
- European economy, world economy
- French foreign policy, the international position of France
Marta has been carrying out a research project on Comparative study of immigration policy in selected Member States of the European Union: conditions, solutions, consequences. Conclusions and recommendations for Poland at Collegium of Socio-Economics of Warsaw School of Economics since 2014. The project focuses on comparative analysis and assessment of the immigration situation in the EU and certain EU Member States, both in terms of migration movements and public policy, in order to draw conclusions for the Polish migration policy, taking into account the current demographic situation and population projections for 2060 together with their multidimensional consequences (socio-demographic, political and economic). The project renewed annually is co-financed in the framework of Young Scientists Research Grants by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. Although the project is carried out in the field of Economics, it has a truly interdisciplinary scope linking together economics, economic sociology, political science, public policy and demography.
Selection of recent publications:
Facing the Challenges in European Union. Re-thinking of EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth (EuInteg) (2015), eds. A. K?os, E. Latoszek, E. Osuch-Rak, M. Pachocka, M. Proczek, Warsaw: Polish European Community Studies Association Elipsa (forthcoming).
Pachocka M., Zaj?czkowski K. (2015), Polands Membership in the EU and Global Challenges: Selected Issues, in: The European Union and Polands Problems and Achievements, eds. A. Adamczyk, P. Dubel, Warsaw: Poltext (forthcoming).
Pachocka M., Misiuna J. (2015), Migracje mi?dzynarodowe dylematy definicyjne i poznawcze. Przyk?ady z Unii Europejskiej i Stanów Zjednoczonych, in: Wspó?czesny Matrix? Fikcja w ?yciu gospodarczym, politycznym i spo?ecznym, ed. J. Osi?ski, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing House (forthcoming).
Pachocka M. (2015), Population Matters? European Integration Process during a Demographic Change, in: How Borderless is Europe? Multi-disciplinary approach to European Studies, ed. I. Tarrósy, Pécs: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Pécs Publikon Publishers, pp. 5972.
Pachocka M. (2015), Wp?yw imigracji na sytuacj? demograficzn? Francji na pocz?tku XXI wieku, in: Unia Europejska wobec wyzwa? przysz?o?ci. Aspekty spo?eczne, gospodarcze i ?rodowiskowe, eds. E. Ma?uszy?ska, P. Idczak, G. Mazur, Pozna?: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, pp. 4661.
Pachocka M. (2015), Sytuacja absolwentów na francuskim rynku pracy na prze?omie XX i XXI w. tendencje i wyzwania, in: Determinanty rozwoju Polski. Rynek pracy i demografia, eds. E. Kwiatkowski, B. Liberda, Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, pp. 7591.
Pachocka M. (2014), Demographic Situation in France in the Late 20th and Early 21st Century. Analysis of Selected Phenomena, Studia z Polityki Publicznej/Public Policy Studies, no. 2, pp. 97131.
Pachocka M., Misiuna J. (2014), Demographic Changes in Europe in the 21st Century: Will Poland Become an Immigration State?, in: 10 lat cz?onkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej ocena i perspektywy, eds. E. Latoszek, A. St?pniak, A K?os, M. Krzemi?ski, Sopot: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gda?skiego, pp. 5977.
Pachocka M., Misiuna J. (2014), Problemy demograficzne Polski jako wyzwania dla polityki ludno?ciowej i migracyjnej, in: Polityka publiczna we wspó?czesnym pa?stwie, eds. J. Osi?ski, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing House, pp. 313344.
Pachocka M. (2014), The social potential of France as a factor influencing its position in the EU and in the international system, in: European Union as a Global Actor, eds. J. Dyduch, M. Michalewska-Pawlak, R. Murphy, Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Aspra, pp. 281305.
Zmieniaj?cy si? ?wiat. Perspektywa demograficzna, spo?eczna i gospodarcza (2013), eds. J. Osi?ski, M. Pachocka, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing House.
Pachocka M. (2013), Francuski system edukacji w perspektywie mi?dzynarodowej na przyk?adzie szkolnictwa wy?szego, Studia Europejskie/European Studies, no. 4 (68), pp. 169195.
Pachocka M. (2013), Polityka imigracyjna i integracyjna Francji w okresie prezydentury Nicolasa Sarkozyego zarys problemu, in: Wokó? problematyki migracyjnej. Kultura przyj?cia, eds. J. Balicki, M. Chamarczuk, Warsaw: Rz?dowa Rada Ludno?ciowa, Mi?dzyinstytutowy Zak?ad Bada? nad Migracj? Uniwersytet Kardyna?a Stefana Wyszy?skiego, pp. 5774.
Pachocka M. (2012), Model kapitalizmu we Francji w ?wietle wybranych koncepcji badawczych, in: Kapitalizm czy kapitalizmy? Anatomia i ewolucja formacji, ed. J. Osi?ski, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing House, pp. 387411.
Pachocka M. (2011), Wspó?czesna integracja ekonomiczna imigrantów z pa?stw Maghrebu i ich potomków we Francji, in: Wspó?czesne problemy demograficzne. Rzeczywisto?? i mity. Uj?cie krajowe, regionalne i globalne, ed. J. Osi?ski, Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing House, pp. 319344.