Marie Kongsted Moller

Visiting PhD Candidate

University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science and Danish Institute for International Studies

Marie Kongsted Moller is a visiting PhD Fellow from University of Copenhagen and Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). Her research focus on far-right ecologies in the Anthropocene. She holds a MA in Philosophy from King’s College London and a MSc in Political Science from University of Copenhagen. 

Research interests

Radical democracy in the Anthropocene; new materialism; subjectivity; far-right ecology; environmental history of political ideas; political theory 

Research project pursued at the CEE

The research objective is twofold:

  • Environmental history: critically engage with the environmental roots of political theory and ideas to better understand far-right ecologies today.
  • The crisis of liberal subjectivity and its alternatives: the climate crisis spells the collapse of the liberal, autonomous subject. It opens for new understandings of of porous, entangled and situated subjectivity to ground a more-than-human democracy. The rejection of the autonomous subject is, however, shared with far-right actors who entertain an entirely different vision for politics in the Anthropocene. What are the political tensions related subjectivity today – and how do we address them democratically?

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