Angelika Schenk

Juin, 2016 - Juillet, 2016

Visiting PhD Candidate

Université de Bremen, Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS)

Photot de Angelika SchenkAngelika is a PhD researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at University of Bremen in Germany. She has worked at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Transformation of the State’ (SFB 597) within the research project ‘Political Autonomy in the EU Multi-Level Legal System’ in 2013-14 and is now involved in the NORFACE Project ‘The Transnationalization and Judicialization of Welfare’. In her PhD, she analyses case law by the European Court of Justice on student mobility and study finance and its transposition in three Western member states: Belgium, Germany, and the UK. Angelika holds an M.Sc. degree in ‘Political Economy of Europe’ from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She will also be a visiting scholar at University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science, in 2016.

Research interests

Political Economy, Comparative Politics, European Integration, Judicialisation & EU Law, Changing Notions in National Autonomy, Comparative Welfare State Research, Migration & Citizenship, Public Management

To know more

Angelika Schenk's institutional page

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