Laurie Boussaguet

In secondment

Laurie Boussaguet is a full professor of political science at the University of Rouen (currently on leave) and a visiting fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. She is a member of the editorial committee of the Revue Française de Science Politique (RFSP) and serves as an academic expert for ERC, Hcéres, and IReSP. Previously, she held the position of associate fellow at the LIEPP and was a visiting associate professor at the Stanford Program in Paris.

Her research focuses on agenda-setting, comparative politics, European governance, citizens’ participation, and gender. Specifically, she has analyzed the emergence of pedophilia as a public issue in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s, elucidating the convergence and similarities of the process in France, Belgium, and England through transnational factors (international connections and transnational communication among key actors involved in the emergence, such as feminist activists, professionals, and associations). Additionally, she has examined the transformation of governance in the European Union and the development of the first tools of participative democracy at this level, such as citizens’ conferences and citizens’ initiatives. Throughout her research, she consistently addresses the link between policy and politics, exploring the dynamic between those in power and the citizens they serve. In her current research, on the use of the symbolic in public policy, conducted in collaboration with Florence Faucher, she continues to explore this thematic strand. Studying the responses to crises (2015 and 2016 terrorist attacks in France and the Covid crisis in Europe in 2020), they show how the symbolic is employed by policymakers as a means of communicating with citizens' perceptions and representations.

She is the author of three monographs and many articles published in Political Studies, Parliamentary Affairs, Comparative European Politics, Science and Public Policy, Revue Française de Science Politique, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, French Politics, Mots, Pouvoirs, Percorsi Costituzionali, Gouvernement et Action Publique, Politique Européenne, Politiques et Management Public.


Books / Monographs

Symbolic Policies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2024, with Florence Faucher.

Les politiques publiques, Paris, PUF (coll. Que-Sais-Je), 2020.

La pédophilie, problème public. France, Belgique, Angleterre, Paris, Dalloz, 2008.

La Marche Blanche: des parents face à l’Etat belge, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004.

Edited volumes

Dictionnaire des politiques publiques, Paris: Presses de Sciences-po, 2019 [1st edition 2004; 2nd edition 2006; 3rd edition 2010; 4th edition 2014; Russian version: Ecole de Moscou des recherches politiques, 2008; Spanish version: Universidad externado de Columbia, 2009; Romanian version: Polirom, 2009; Chinese version: Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, 2013], ed. with Sophie Jacquot and Pauline Ravinet.

Une ‘French touch’ dans l’analyse des politiques publiques?, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015, ed. with Sophie Jacquot and Pauline Ravinet.


« At the upper echelons of the State: symbols to build national unity”, in FAUCHER Florence, TRUC Gérôme (ed.), Facing Terrorism in France. Lessons from the 2015 Paris attacks, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2022, pp. 81-92, with Florence Faucher.

« Où va l’analyse des politiques publiques au 21ème siècle? » (conclusion), in JACOB Steve, SCHIFFINO-LECLERCQ (ed.), Politiques publiques. Fondements et prospective pour l’analyse de l’action publique, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2021, pp. 921-938.

« Os usos do supranacional : dinâmicas de integraçao regional e o papel dos atores nacionais » in HASSENTEUFEL, Patrick, PORTO DE OLIVEIRA, Osmany, Sociologia Política da Ação Pública: Teorias, abordagens e conceitos, Brasilia, ENAP, 2021, p. 335-352, with Sophie Jacquot.

« Comment mobiliser les populations ? La réponse symbolique des exécutifs français, italien et britannique », in LAZAR Marc, PLANTIN Guillaume, RAGOT Xavier (ed.), Le Monde d’aujourd’hui, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2020, pp 243-261, with Florence Faucher.

« Au sommet de l’État: les symboles pour construire l’unité nationale », in FAUCHER Florence, TRUC Gérôme (ed.), Face aux attentats, collection « La Vie des Idées », Paris, PUF, 2020, pp. 65-78, with Florence Faucher.

« NGOs and civil society organizations », in HALPERN Charlotte, HASSENTEUFEL Patrick, ZITTOUN Philippe (ed.), Policy Analysis in France, Bristol, Policy Press, 2018, with Charlotte Halpern.


“Performing crisis management: National repertoires of symbolic action and their usage during the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe”, Political Studies, 2022 (, with Florence Faucher and Christian Freudlsperger.

"Beyond a “gesture”: the treatment of the symbolic in public policy analysis", French Politics, 18, 2020, pp 189-205, with Florence Faucher.

“La construction des discours présidentiels post-attentats à l’épreuve du temps », Mots Les langages du politique, 118, 2018, pp 95-115, with Florence Faucher.

“The politics of symbols. Reflections on the French government’s framing of the 2015 terrorist attacks ». Parliamentary Affairs, 71(1), 2018, pp. 169–195, with Florence Faucher.

“Identity and Citizenship as Symbolic Responses to Terrorist Attacks. The Case of France in 2015», Percorsi costituzionali, Special issue: La cittadinanza incerta, 2017.2, pp.511-530, with Florence Faucher.

“Quand l’État convoque la rue. La Marche républicaine du 11 janvier 2015”, Gouvernement et action publique, 6(2), 2017, pp 37-61, with Florence Faucher.

« Gouverner (avec) l’opinion au niveau européen », Politique européenne, n°54, 2016, pp. 8-23, with Céline Belot and Charlotte Halpern.

« Participatory Mechanisms as Symbolic Policy Instruments? », Comparative European Politics, Volume 14, Number 1, 23 January 2016, pp. 107-124.

« L’analyse des politiques publiques à l’épreuve de la comparaison », Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée (RIPC), 2014, 21(1), pp. 97-119, with Claire Dupuy.

« L’impact de la crise sur la gouvernance européenne », Pouvoirs, n°149, avril 2104, pp. 7-18, with Renaud Dehousse.

« Too big to fly? A review of the first EU citizens’ conferences », Science and Public Policy, vol. 36, n°10, décembre 2009, pp. 777-789, with Renaud Dehousse.

« Les faiseuses d’agenda: les militantes féministes et l’émergence des abus sexuels sur mineurs en Europe », Revue Française de Science Politique, 59(2), avril 2009, pp. 221-246.


Research Topics

Agenda-setting; comparative politics; symbols and symbolic in policy; policy analysis; European governance; gender and policy; sexual abuses; participatory mechanisms / citizens' conferences

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