Associate Researchers

Maître de conférences en science politique à Sciences Po Rennes
Chercheur au laboratoire Arènes UMR 6051

Adjointe au chef de pôle fiscalité locale et dotations à la direction des finances et des achats de la Ville de Paris

Post-doctoral researcher
Climate and energy policies in Europe and the United States
Sustainable cities and sub-national actors
Artificial intelligence
Cybersecurity and digital technologies
The UN Climate Change regime and the articulation of multi-level governance. A case study of the global cities of Paris, Boston and New York, under the supervision of Dr. Colin Hay

Climate change governance, environmental policies, carbon market as well as green finance and responsible investment

Chargé de recherche CNRS au laboratoire Arènes, Sciences Po Rennes

Postdoctoral research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research

comparative and international political economy, public debt, fiscal frameworks, eurozone

PhD in Political Science
Moritz Schlick Postdoc Fellow, University of Vienna

Temporary Lecturer and Researcher at University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Printemps laboratory

University of Padua, Department of Political Science, Law and International Relations

CNRS Research Fellow
political competition, electoral programs, electoral promises, public action, public opinion, European integration, representation

Professeure de science politique à l’université Lyon II Lumière,
En délégation CNRS pour 2023-2024 (Triangle/Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard).
Membre du laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206 CNRS - ENS /Université Lyon 2/IEP de Lyon).
Chercheuse associée au Centre d’Etudes Européennes (CEE)
Université Lyon II Lumière,

Professor and Chair in Political and Social Change
European University Institute

Université de Zurich, Institut de science politique
Professor of Political Science
Lund University, Department of Political Science

Lecturer and Boya postdoctoral scholar at the School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
Associate Researcher, CEE
Regulation, Internet and social media, online activism, Internet firms, Internet governance, artificial intelligence

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (2022-2024)
Comparative Public Policy; Political Economy; The State; Regulatory Politics; Health and Social Policies

Associate Professor
University of Cambridge
Institute of Criminology
Criminal governance, violence, gangs and organised crime, migrant smuggling, human trafficking, criminal networks

Gouvernance métropolitaine, Instruments de politique, Politiques de science, technologie et de l’innovation, Compétitivité urbaine, Politiques environnementales et de déplacements, Policy coherence, Process tracing

Professor of Regional and International Development in Urban Planning at UCLA
Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics

Post-doctoral researcher, University of Cambridge and University of Bonn

Assistant Professor of Political Theory and European Politics
Institute of Political Science in Leiden

Populism, Welfare State, voting for radical parties, labour market, political representation

Assistant professor in public policy and governance (tenure track) at the University of Amsterdam

Professor of European Studies at University of Fribourg
Sciences Po, CEE & ETH Zurich
Democratic backsliding ; European integration ; EU enlargement ; political mobilisation ; Western Balkans