09:00 10:00

Événement en ligne

« Médias, migrations : la fabrique de l’opinion », une série de rencontres publiques

Table ronde #7 : Projet de loi immigration-asile

01 février 2023, 9h-10h, en ligne

Cette table-ronde est la 7e de la série de rencontres publiques “Médias Migrations” organisée par Sciences Po-Ceri (Projet PACE), l’Institut Convergences Migrations (revue De Facto Migrations) et l’association Désinfox-Migrations.

Alors que le projet de loi immigration-asile sera présenté au Conseil des ministres, nous accueillons le juriste Christophe Pouly, chercheur associé à l’école de droit Sciences Po Paris, la juriste Claire Rodier membre du GISTI et la journaliste Julia Pascual du Monde pour débattre des enjeux juridiques et politiques du texte et de son traitement médiatique.

Introduction : 
Charlotte Recoquillon, Désinfox Migrations
Hélène Thiollet, CNRS CERI Sciences Po, projet PACE


En visio-conférence sur Zoom

Responsable scientifique : Hélène Thiollet, Sciences Po-Ceri

Organisé par : CERI
19:00 20:00
The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) seeks to articulate the private sector, government, academia, and civil society to foster growth and economic development in Colombia.… Lire la suite

Mr. Daniel Gomez, vice-president of the CPC, is our first guest to attend a series of webinars and conversations led by the Latin America Student Association of Sciences Po (AbyaYala) with experts and policymakers that are transforming our region for the better.  

Date: February 7, 2023
Time: 19:00 (France) / 13:00 (Colombia)

Join us in this insightful conversation by registering at the link below.


Organisé par : PICASSO
13:00 14:30
Etienne Nouguez - World Health Organization… Lire la suite

Going mainstream. Promoting the use of quality-assured generic medicines.

Étienne Nouguez, CNRS Research Fellow, Center for the Sociology of Organizations, Sciences Po Paris, France

Sham Moodley, Honorary Research Fellow, School of Health Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Executive member of the Federation of International Pharmacy Community Section (FIP-CPS) South Africa

Yangmu Huang, Deputy Dean, Department of Global Health, School of Public Health Joint researcher, Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University, China

For the past decades, promoting the use of quality-assured generic medicines has been a major policy to help countries make steps towards universal health coverage, as generic medicines deliver health outcomes at much lower costs than their originator counterparts. From controlling HIV, HCV, blood
cholesterol to cancer, the impact of generic medicines on global health has been firmly cemented. Its storied role in our society has even been made into movies. In this webinar, the panelists will present suites of policies in China, France and South Africa to promote the use of quality-assured generic medicines. They will discuss how policies have evolved over time to ‘mainstream’ generic medicines in their contexts.

Date and time 23 February 2023
Central European Time 1300-1430
Coordinated Universal Time 1200-1330
Secretariat Kiu Tay-Teo

Register : https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CPaqQuEcT1yOsOO2mIKhgQ

Organisé par : OMS
Évènement en Anglais
11:00 13:00
Hybrid format event (presentia and zoom)
What Future for the Cooperation with Chinese Higher Education Institutions?
The German Case
Venue : Room S1, second floor, 28 rue des Saints-Pères - 75007 Paris
Organised as part of the China Research Seminar
Matthias STEPAN, Research Associate at the Institute of East Asian Politics at Ruhr-University Bochum.
Discussant and chair: 
Françoise Mengin, Sciences Po-CERI



Scientific coordinators : Jean-Louis Rocca, Sciences Po-CERI and Françoise Mengin, Sciences Po-CERI

If you wish to follow the event online, please register with the link below : 

If you wish to follow the event on site, please register with the links below :

Organisé par : CERI