Florence Faucher

FNSP Professor
Director of the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po

Florence Faucher is Professor of political science at Sciences Po and Director of the Centre d’études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE). She is the Director of OxPo (an academic network linking Sciences Po, 4 departments of the University and the Maison Française in Oxford. She is Associate Fellow at Nuffield College and in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. She previously worked in the UK and in the USA, where she co-directed the Max Kade Center in European and German Studies at Vanderbilt University and has held visiting positions in Australia, in the United States and in the UK. She teaches at all levels of the curriculum at Sciences Po and coordinates the Double Master in European Affairs (Sciences Po/London School of Economics). She has been a member of the Comité National du Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique (2016- 2019), of the boards of the Association Française de Science Politique (2014- 2022), and of the British politics group (American Political Science Association).

Her research has developed in several strands, connected by an interest in understanding the transformations of modes of doing politics in contemporary Europe. She has extensively worked on political parties in France and in the UK (green parties, centre right and centre left parties). She argues that an «anthropological imagination» can renew and stimulate analyses of contemporary political institutions and practices. First, she is interested in how forms of political participation and activism have changed over the last fourty years as part and parcel of wider processes that blur the boundaries between the public and the private spheres of action. Second, she has shown how practices and ideas developed in new parties (such as green parties) have driven a thrust for reform in well-established political parties through the multiplication of ballots and consultations. Third, her current research extends her anthropological outlook to the analysis of the uses of the symbolic in public policy (responses the responses to the 2015 and 2016 terrorist attacks, to the covid crisis).

Selected publications


Florence Faucher, Gérome Truc, Facing Terrorism in France: Lessons from the 2015 Paris Attacks, Paris, Springer Nature B.V., 2022 

Face aux attentats, collective book coordinated by Florence Faucher & Gérôme Truc, collection « La Vie des Idées », Paris, PUF, 2020. 

Florence Faucher-King, Patrick Le Galès (2010), Les gouvernements néotravaillistes. Bilan de Tony Blair et Gordon Brown, avec Patrick Le Galès, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2ème édition mise à jour et augmentée. Traduction anglaise (The New Labour Experiment. Change and Reform Under Blair and Brown. Stanford University Press, 2010) et italienne (L'esperienza del New Labour. Un'analisi critica della politica e delle politiche, Franco Angeli, 2013).

Florence Faucher-King (2005), Changing Parties. An Anthropology of British Political Party Conferences, Houndsmills/New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 315 p.

Faucher Florence (1999) Les habits verts de la politique, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 325p.


Boussaguet Laurie, Florence Faucher (2020) « La covid-19 : comment mobiliser les populations dans une ‘guerre’ contre un « ennemi invisible ?» in Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin et Xavier Ragot, », Le monde d'aujourd’hui, Paris Les Presses de Sciences Po, 2020, pp. 243-262. 

Boussaguet Laurie, Florence Faucher, « Au sommet de l’État : les symboles pour construire l’unité nationale », dans Face aux attentats, ouvrage collectif coordonné par Florence Faucher et Gérôme Truc, collection « La Vie des Idées », Paris, PUF, 2020.


Boussaguet Laurie, Florence Faucher, “Beyond a ‘gesture’: the treatment of the symbolic in public policy analysis”, French Politics, 18 (1-2), pp. 189–205.

Boussaguet Laurie, Florence Faucher (2018), “La construction des discours présidentiels post-attentats à l’épreuve du temps », Mots Les langages du politique, 118, pp 95-115.

Boussaguet Laurie, Florence Faucher (2018), “Identity and Citizenship as Symbolic Responses to Terrorist Attacks. The Case of France in 2015 », Percosi costituzionali, Special issue : La cittadinanza incerta, 2017.2, pp.511-530.

Faucher Florence, Laurie Boussaguet (2018), “The politics of symbols. Reflections on the French government’s framing of the 2015 terrorist attacks ». Parliamentary Affairs, 71(1), pp. 169–195. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsx013.

Faucher Florence, Daniel Boy (2018), “50 shades of green. Political differences between elites, members and supporters of Europe Ecologie Les Verts”, Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp. 161-185.  DOI 10.1080/09644016.2017.1385149.

Faucher Florence, Nuria Garcia (2017), “France”, European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 56(1), pp. 99-105. DOI:10.1111/2047-8852.12181.

Boussaguet Laurie, Faucher Florence, (2017), “Quand l’Etat convoque la rue. La Marche républicaine du 11 janvier 2015”, Gouvernement et action publique, 6(2), pp 37-61.

Faucher Florence, Colin Hay (2015), “Les rituels de vote en France et en Grande-Bretagne”, Revue française de science politique, 65(2), pp. 213-236. DOI: 10.3917/rfsp.pr.0213.

Faucher Florence (2015), “New Forms of Political Participation. Changing Demands or Changing Opportunities to Participate in Political Parties?”, Comparative European Politics, 13(4), pp. 405-429. DOI: CEP1.2013.31.

Faucher Florence (2014), “Leadership Elections: What is at Stake for Parties? A Comparison of the British Labour Party and the Parti Socialiste”. Parliamentary Affairs, 68(4), pp 794-820. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsu026.

Faucher Florence (2012), “Vertitudes. Comment interpréter les différences entre verts français et verts britanniques”, Ecologie et Politique, 44, pp. 103-114.

Faucher-King Florence (2008), “La modernisation du parti travailliste, 1994-2007. Succès et difficultés de l’importation du modèle entrepreneurial dans un parti politique”, Politix, 21(81), pp. 125-149.

Faucher-King Florence (2003), "Managing Intra-Party Democracy: Comparing the French Socialist and British Labour Party Conferences", avec Eric Treille, French Politics, 1 (1), pp. 61-82.

To know more

  • florence.faucher@sciencespo.fr
  • Tel: +33145497623
  • Bureau C304 - 3ème étage

Research Topics

Political parties ; Political cultures ; Political anthropology ; Ecology and environment ; Activism ;

To know more

OxPo and of CamPo

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