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Save your seat in Boutmy

Legal Information


The data will be treated by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, named as Sciences Po. They are hosted by OVH et may be shared with Sciences Po alumni associations (Sciences Po Alumni, Sciences Po American Foundation).

They will be treated until december 31st, 2022 in our current archives, and will update our CRM data base if necessary. Then, your data will be saved accordingly to the legal duration requirements regarding data storage and/or pseudonymization and/or removal.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, you have rights to access, modify, delete, oppose to the processing of your data, and the right to decide the faith of your data post-mortem. To exercise these rights or for any question, please contact us : In case of no reply, you can contact the National Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

If the name on the plaque is not mine, I made sure that the person or his/her heirs authorized me to use his/her name and I discharge Sciences Po of any liability related to this use.



I am informed that Sciences Po reserves the right not to publish my text or my document in case of illegal content (racism, insult, invasion of privacy …). I accept that all or part of this text is used by Sciences Po for communication purposes on social networks and websites, to promote the operation “Save your seat in Boutmy” and the institution.

I certify that I have the rights to publish the document that may be attached.
