Jen Schradie
Jen Schradie, CRIS (photo Alexis Lecomte)
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Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests
Après avoir réalisé plusieurs films documentaire, Jen Schradie a obtenu un doctorat en sociologie délivré par l'Université de Californie et le Centre pour les nouveaux médias de Berkeley. Ses domaines de recherche couvrent plusieurs aspects sociaux des technologies d'information-communication : fracture numérique, activisme social, travailleurs du digital... Dans une optique sociologique, ses résultats de recherche contestent les visions utopiques de la démocratie digitale ou dystopiques des méfaits d'internet. Elle constate que les structures sociales inégalitaires, les institutions bureaucratiques et l'idéologie politique sont des facteurs influant sur l'usage d'Internet. Ses recherches se situent au croisement de la stratification sociale et des inégalités, de la communication et de la technologie, des mouvements revendicatifs, de la sociologie politique. Elle poursuit actuellement une étude comparative sur le rôle du genre et de l'origine sociale dans l'économie des start-up en France et aux Etats-Unis et analyse par ailleurs les discours anti-musulmans sur les réseaux sociaux. En intégrant des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, des données "en" et "hors" ligne, elle met en perspective les disparités et variations de participation à la société digitale.
After a career as a documentary filmmaker, Jen Schradie received her PhD from the University of California (Sociology Department), and the Berkeley Center for New Media. Her research areas span the digital divide, digital activism, and digital labor. With a sociological lens, her research challenges claims of either utopic digital democracy or dystopic internet villains. Schradie’s research is at the intersection of stratification and inequality, communication media and technology, labor and social movements, as well as political sociology and public policy. She finds that societal structures of class inequality, bureaucratic institutions, and political ideology can all drive internet use. Her current comparative project focuses on gender and class differences in the start-up economy in France and the U.S., and another examines online hate speech against Muslims. Incorporating qualitative and quantitative methods with both online and offline data, Schradie contextualizes disparities and variation of participation in digital society.
Dernières publications - Latest Publications
- 2022, L'illusion de la démocratie numérique. Internet est-il de droite ?, EPFL Press, col. Quanto.
- 2021, "Digital Spaces: Online Safety and Offline Structures in France and the U.S.", In: Canadian Centre for Architecture, A Section of Now: Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention, Spector Books, p.191-203.
- 2021 (with Liam Bekirsky), "The Digital Production Gap in the Algorithmic Era", In: Deana A. Rohlinger; Sarah Sobieraj, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Media Sociology, Oxford University Press, p. 567-585.
- 2021, "Context, class, and community: a methodological framework for studying labor organizing and digital unionizing", Information, Communication & Society, vol. 24, n° 5, p 700-716.
- 2020 (with E. Ferragina, M. Pasqualini, E. Recchi, M. Safi, N. Sauger, K. Tittel, A. Zola), "The Covid Year in France: A Tale of Two Lockdowns", Coping with Covid-19. Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy paper n° 5, 21 December. See online the Policy brief
[Version française] « L'année de la Covid en France ou l'histoire d'un double confinement », Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 5, 21 décembre. Voir en ligne le Policy brief - 2020 (avec Mirna Safi, Philippe Coulangeon, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Ettore Recchi, Nicolas Sauger, Katharina Tittel et Andrew Zola), « La France confinée. Anciennes et nouvelles inégalités », In: Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin et Xavier Ragot (dir.), Le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les sciences sociales au temps de la Covid-19, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 95-116.
- 2020, "The Great Equalizer Reproduces Inequality: How the Digital Divide Is a Class Power Divide", Political Power and Social Theory, vol. 37, Rethinking Class and Social Difference, p. 81-101.
- 2020, “ ‘Give me Liberty or Give me Covid-19’: Anti-lockdown protesters were never Trump puppets”, Communication and the Public, vol. 5, n° 3-4, p. 126-128. Available online
- 2020 (with E. Recchi, E. Ferragina, O. Godechot, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, M. Safi, N. Sauger, K. Tittel, A. Zola), "Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France", OSC Papers, 2020-1, July.
- 2020 (with Ettore Recchi, Emanuele Ferragina, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Mirna Safi, Nicolas Sauger), "The 'Eye of the Hurricane' Paradox: An Unexpected and Unequal Rise of Well-Being During the Covid-19 Lockdown in France", Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 68, online 26 May.
- 2020 (with N. Sauger, E. Ferragina, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, E. Recchi, M. Safi), "Life after lockdown: Getting back on track or charting a new course?", Coping with Covid-19. Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy paper n° 4, 16 June.
[French version] "La vie après le confinement : retour à la normale ou quête d'un nouveau cap ?", Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 4, 16 juin. - 2020 (with M. Safi (coord.), P. Coulangeon, O. Godechot, E. Ferragina, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, E. Recchi, N. Sauger), "When life revolves around the home: Work and sociability during the lockdown", Coping with Covid-19, Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy brief n° 3, 22 May.
[French version] « La vie entre quatre murs : travail et sociabilité en temps de confinement », Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 3, 22 mai. - 2020 (with E. Ferragina (coord.), C. Barone, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, E. Recchi, M. Safi, N. Sauger), "In the eye of the hurricane. French society a month into the lockdown", Coping with Covid-19, Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy brief n° 2, 4 May.
[French version] « Dans l'oeil du cyclone. La société française après un mois de confinement », Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 2, 4 mai. - 2020 (with E. Recchi (coord.), E. Ferragina, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, M. Safi, N. Sauger), "Lockdown for All, Hardship for Some. Insights from the First Wave of the CoCo Project", Coping with Covid-19, Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy brief n° 1, 20 April.
[French version] « Confinement pour tous, épreuve pour certains Les résultats de la première vague d'enquête du projet CoCo », Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 1, 20 avril. - 2019, The Revolution That Wasn't: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives, Harvard University Press, 416 p. [2020, Charles Tilly Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book, by the ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements]
- 2018, "The Digital Activism Gap: How Class and Costs Shape Online Collective Action", Social Problems, vol. 65, n° 1, p. 51-74.
- 2018, "Moral Monday Is More Than a Hashtag: The Strong Ties of Social Movement Emergence in the Digital Era", Social Media + Society, First published February 5.
Dernières communications - Latest Presentations
- "Can a decentralised web protect the users of digital democracy?", Web3 & Digital Democracy, McCourt Institute, Paris, 15 November 2022.
- Unfinished Live 2022 "The Future of Digital Governance", Breakout Session “Web3 & Online Content”, The Shed, New York, 21 September 2022.
- Book presentation (The Revolution that Wasn't. How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives), SENSE Seminar, Orange - Research Division, 13 September 2022.
- "Startup Nation: French Tech and the Welfare State Paradox", ASA 2022 Meeting, Los Angeles, 6 August.
Responsabilités scientifiques - Scientific Responsabilities
- Co-funder of the European Network on Digital Labour (ENDL / INDL), multidisciplinary network of researchers from different fields (media studies, geography, sociology, law, economics).
- Expert List Member, International Communication Association – Activism, Communication and Social Justice.
- Affiliate, Center on Digital Culture and Society (CDCS), Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania (2019).
- Advisory Committee Member, The National Academies of Sciences - Computational Social Science (2019).