Education, occupation and social origin

Education, occupation and social origin

A comparative analysis of the transmission of socio-economic inequalities
Gabriele Ballarino - Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC - 13 janvier 2017
  • Photo Nwautana, Lycée Henri-IV, rue Clovis (CC BY-SA) Photo Nwautana, Lycée Henri-IV, rue Clovis (CC BY-SA)

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC 2016-2017

98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - salle Annick Percheron

vendredi 13 janvier 2017 de 11h30 à 13h

 Education, occupation and social origin.
A comparative analysis of the transmission of socio-economic inequalities

Questioning the assumption that education is the ‘great social equalizer’, this study takes a comparative approach to the social origin–education–destination triangle by examining advantage in 14 different countries, including case studies from Europe, Israel, the USA, Russia and Japan.

The research examines the relation between family background, education and occupational achievement over time and across educational levels, focusing on the relationship between individuals’ social origins and their income and occupational outcomes. It analyzes a variety of barriers to social mobility. Using concepts of compensatory and boosting advantage to explain the intergenerational transmission of social inequality, it refutes the notion of contemporary societies as education-based and meritocratic, showing that in most of the countries studied there is no sign of decreasing intergenerational association, despite the expansion of education.

This study was published by Edward Elgar Publishing in 2016 (edited by Fabrizio Bernardi & Gabriele Ballarino).

Gabriele Ballarino


Gabriele Ballarino
Department of Social and Political Sciences
University of Milan



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