What If The Basis For Policy Decisions Is Misleading? The Case Of Perceived Discrimination Of LGBTQ+

LIEPP's Discriminations et category based policies research group is pleased to convene the seminar:  What If The Basis For Policy Decisions Is Misleading?The Case Of Perceived Discrimination Of LGBTQ+ Thursday March 21st, 12.30pm-2pm. Location: Sciences Po, Salle du LIEPP, 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris Mandatory registration to...

Research-based initiatives to address gender-based violence in US and French universities

LIEPP's discriminations and category-based policies research group, Sciences Po, the CSO, the CEE and PRESAGE are pleased to convene the seminar:  Research-based initiatives to address gender-based violence in US and French universities Wednesday 17th April 2024, 1.30 - 3.30 pm Mandatory registration (for Sciences Po students or staff...

Migrant Farmworker Injury: Temporality and Eventfulness

LIEPP and the  Centre for Research on social InequalitieS are pleased to convene the event:  Migrant Farmworker Injury: Temporality and Eventfulness with Professor Seth M. Holmes. Cultural and medical anthropologist, Physician. University of California, Berkeley. Thursday February 8th, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Location:...

Promoting the economic autonomy of disabled people through employment and social policy (PRESPOL)

Project holder:  Anne Revillard (CRIS, LIEPP) Research programme developed in association with the CERAPS, the EHESP, ERUDITE and the LISE. Laureate of the PPR Autonomie 2022. The project benefits from support of the French State managed by the ANR under the France 2030 programme (ANR-23-PAVH-0001)....

Politics of deservedness: the case of on-demand food delivery couriers

Meng-Hsuan Chou is an Associate Professor and the Provost’s Chair in Public Policy and Global Affairs at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, where she joined as a Nanyang Assistant professor.  Her research focuses on the transformation of the state through inter-state and inter-regional policy cooperation in areas of contemporary...


MAGE, the Centre Maurice Halbwachs and the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) are please to co-organize the event:  GENDER EQUALITY POLICY IN PRACTICE (GEPP) - EQUAL PAY WORKSHOP IMPLEMENTATION WHEN POLICY FAILS: THE UPHILL BATTLE FOR EQUAL PAY November 23rd- 24th, 2023 Location: Sciences Po Paris...

Workshop "Discrimination and Inequalities on online markets"

LIEPP's Discrimination and category based policies research group is pleased to convene the workshop:  Discrimination and Inequalities on online markets December 15th. 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. Location: Sciences Po room Goguel, 27 rue Saint Guillaume, 75007 Paris Mandatory registration.  Abstract:  Today, digital platforms account...

Discriminations fondées notamment sur l’origine dans l’accès aux biens et services sur plusieurs plateformes collaboratives

This project is being carried out in partnership with the Défenseur des droits, a department of the French Prime Minister. Project holder: Morgane LAOUENAN (Université Paris 1, CNRS, LIEPP) Research team: Guillaume Chapelle (CY Cergy Paris Université, LIEPP) Pierre Deschamps (SOFI, Université de Stockholm, LIEPP) Dylan Glover (INSEAD, LIEPP...

Handicap, genre et précarité professionnelle : parcours biographiques et réception de l'action publique

Research team:  Anne Revillard (CRIS, LIEPP)  Mathéa Boudinet (CRIS, LIEPP) :  is carrying out his sociology thesis in this context. Partner associations: L’Agefiph APF-France handicap Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA) Fibromyalgie France Accompagner, promouvoir et intégrer les déficients visuels (apiDV)...

Un état des lieux des recherches sur les discriminations: les faits, les explications et les implications pour les politiques publiques

Project holder:  Mirna SAFI (OSC, LIEPP) Project description:  This project provides an overview of recent research on discrimination, covering empirical work in disciplines as diverse as sociology, social psychology, economics and political science. It attempts to answer four main questions: How is discrimination defined in the...
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