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LSE-Sciences Po International History Seminar
Research theme: Sovereignty | States, empires, international relations

Calendar 2022-2023
05 October 2022 17:00 – 18:30
- The Triumph of the Mediterranean Strategy: Rethinking Bureaucratic Politics and Geopolitics in Anglo-American Coalition Warfare, Grant Golub, LSE / Harvard Kennedy School ;
- A Global Order of Secrecy: US Hegemony and the Making of Nuclear Secrecy in European Democracies (1946-1967), Thomas Fraise, Sciences Po CERI ;
- Discutant : Leopoldo Nuti, Università Roma Tre
19 October 2022 17:00 – 18:30
- Student Movement during the Last Dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983), Guadalupe Andrea Seia, CONICET ;
- Discutante : Anna Cant (LSE)
09 November 2022 17:00 – 18:30
- Colonial Policy and International Control: The American Philippines and Multilateral Drug Treaties, 1909-1931, Eva Louise Ward, University of Strathclyde ;
- Discutante : Aileen Teague,Texas A&M
23 November 2022 17:00 – 18:30
- Leaving it to the Future: Debt Sustainability, National Wealth, and Repayment Capacity, 1890-1914, Paula Elena Vedoveli Francisco, FGV São Paulo ;
- Discutant : Nicolas Delalande, Sciences Po CHSP
07 December 2022 17:00 – 18:30
- North Korean Soft Power and the Liberation of Southern Africa, Tycho van der Hoog, Leiden University
25 January 2023 17:00 – 18:30
- 'Millions of Europeans have their Eyes on Spain Right Now'. The 1986 NATO Referendum and how 'Remain' Won, Marina Pérez de Arcos (LSE/Oxford)
Discussant: Jussi Hanhimaki (IHEID Geneva Graduate Institute)
6 March 2023 17:00 – 18:30
- Corruption during Partition of British India: Encapsulating Betrayal, Avarna Ojha (Durham University)
Discussant: Tom Wilkinson (University of Melbourne)
15 March 2023 17:00 – 18:30
- Between Neutrality and Solidarity: Swiss Good Offices in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, Liliane Stadler (Utrecht University)
29 March 2023 17:00 – 18:30 ▸ Register
- Muslim Feminism and the Making of International Human Rights Norms (1948-1956): The Role of Pakinstani Women Diplomats, Ghulam Ali Murtaza (Leiden University)
Discussant: Katharina Rietzler (University of Sussex)
13 October 2021 - Nationalist and Communist Internationalism in Asia
Time: 17:00 – 19:00 / Hybrid Session, Salle du Traité, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po
India's Communist Student Internationalism, 1936-1955 - Thomas Wilkinson, LSE ; Nationalism and Alternatives: China and Asia in the 1940s - Yui Chim Lo, University of Oxford
Chair: Tom Meinderts ; Discussant: TBA
27 October 2021 - European Transnational Communities and Borders Control
Time: 17:00 – 19:00 / Hybrid Session, Salle du Traité, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po
Crossing Germany: Eastern European Transmigrants and State Surveillance, 1880-1924 - Allison Schmidt, University of Pennsylvania ; The invention of "Alpen-Adria". Processes of Region-Building in Sensitive Border Areas (1945-2005) - Alessandro Ambrosino, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva ; Chair: Mario Del Pero ; Discussant: TBA
24 November 2021 (Joint London-Paris Session)
Time: 17:00 – 19:00 / Online Session
Occupied Istanbul as a Cominternian Hub: Sailors, Soldiers, and PostImperial Networks, 1918-1923 - Burak Sayim, Graduate Institute of International Development Studies. Geneva ; Chair: Mario Del Pero; Discussant: Orçun Okan, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples)
15 December 2021 - Covering and Uncovering (Neo)Imperial Conducts
Time: 17:00 – 19:00 / Online Session
Internationalizing French Frames of Late Colonial Algeria: Threatened Eurafrican Pivot, Beleaguered Mediterranean Center, and Settler Colony Nolens Volens - Cyrus Schayegh, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva ; A cold War Charge of Genocide: The Russell Tribunal of 1967 and the New Left's Attempts at Retheorization - Charlotte Anne Kiechel, Yale University ;
Chair: Stefano Chessa Altieri, Discussant: TBA
26 January 2022 - The United States and Illiberal Internationalism
Time: 17:00 – 18:45/19:00 / Online Session
Towards an Anticommunist Definition of Human Rights: Latin American Influence on Ronald Reagan's 1980 Campaign - Molly Avery, LSE ; Support for Autocracy in Liberal International Order - Matias Spektor (FGV)
Discussant: Andrew Preston (University of Cambridge)
9 February 2022 - Media Narratives and International Crises
Time: 10:00-12:00 / Online Session
From Anti-Imperialism to Multiculturalism: (Post-) Migrant Media in Postcolonial France - Christian Jacobs, Freie Universität Berlin ; Pakistan and the Afghan-Soviet War: An Analysis of the Media Discourse - Zahib Shahab Ahmed (Deakin University)
16 March 2022 - Global Fascism
Time: 17:00 – 18:45/19:00 / Online Session
Fascist Coffee, Imperial Bananas: Food in Italian East Africa - Simone Cinotto (Università di Scienze Gastronomiche)
Discussant: David Motadel (LSE)
30 March 2022 - Transnational Comparative Approaches to Education during the Cold War
Time: 17:00 – 18:45/19:00 / Online Session
Going to School in the 1950s: Who was the Ideal Turk? - Sinan Ekim (LSE) ; From Russia with Blow: Czechoslovak Students at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1952-1968 - Mikulas Hodovanec (Charles University)
4 May 2022 - Cold War Development in Southern Europe
Time: 17:00 – 18:45/19:00 / Online Session
Promoting Southern Europe to the World: The Case of Olympic Airways - Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield) ; Failure of Association between Turkey and the EEC: DIvergence on How to Achieve Development - Arda Ozansoy (Bilkent University)
18 May 2022 - Global Interdependence and Contemporary World Governance
Time: 17:00 – 18:45/19:00 / Online Session
From Vice to Valuable Ally: Hong Kong in the Anglo-American War on Drugs, 1970-1980 - Philip Thai (Northeastern University) ; The U.S. and Global Climate Change Negotiations: Precedents, 1972-1992 - Matthew Franczak (University of Pennsylvania
07/10/2020 | Susanne Schattenberg (University of Bremen), Selling natural gas to the West - How the Soviet Union entered the capitalist market (1966-1971)
21/10/2020 | Ben Goossen (Harvard University), The White Continent: Cold War Antartica as a Bulwark against Decolonization, 1959-1963. Discussant: Ryan M. Irwin (SUNY, Albany)
04/11/2020 | Luc Brunet (LSE-Open University), Canada's Euromissile Crisis? Re-evaluating Cruise missile testing and 1980s anti-nuclear activism. Discussant: Ruud Van Dijk (UVA, Amsterdam)
18/11/2020 | Linh Nguyen Vu (Research Center for the History of Transformations, Vienna), Global Entanglements: Vietnamese Students in Poland an their Experience of Transnational Socialism and Matthieu Gillabert (University of Fribourg), A Small Peoples' Friendship University: Third World students in the socialist Łódź
02/12/2020 | Sandra Bott (University of Lausanne), Capitalism, Neutrality and the Cold War: Switzerland's economic relations with ASEAN, 1975-1990
27/01/2021 | Erin O'Halloran (Université de Toronto), 'Big Tent' Politics, Anti-colonial Nationalism, and the Crisis of Empire: Egypt & India in World War II ;
Joseph Parrott (Ohio State University), Tricontinetalism and the Cold War: Radicalism and Revolution in the Anti-Imperial Project
17/02/2021 | John Collins (Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, Vienna), The Lynchpins: German and Japanese Reconstruction, the Early Cold War and the Global Drug Control System.
Sara Lorenzini (University of Trento), Development and the Security Paradox. How Development Was Meant To Be a Tool To Enhance Security but Failed To Do So
17/03/2021 | Sandra Bott (University of Lausanne), Capitalism, Neutrality and the Cold War: Switzerland's economic relations withe ASEAN, 1975-1990
Samuel Dixon (LSE), From Hegemonic Decline to the End of History: Critical Theory and International Relations, c. 1980-92
21/04/2021 | Victoria Phillips (LSE), Cold Wars in Berlin: Eleanor Dulles on her Frontier, 1952-1961. Nourishing Cold War Psychological Warfare: 'Goodwill is a Weapon' Discussant: Lorena De Vita (Universiteit Utrecht)
19/05/2021 | Stefanie Massink (Utrecht University), Revisiting the Spanish Question from a Smaller Power Perspective: The Netherlands, Spain and the United Nations during the Early Cold War, 1945-55
Kamil Zwolski (University of Southampton),The Lesser-known Story of Post-Cold War Order in Central-Eastern Europe
Informations pratiques

Seminar take place from 17:00 to 18:30 CEST on Zoom
▸ Program Spring 2023 (PDF, 273 Ko)
- Elizabeth O'Brien Ingleson (Assistant Professor, LSE)
- Fionntan O'Hara (PhD Candidate)
At Sciences Po:
- Mario Del Pero (Professor of International History, Sciences Po, CHSP)
- Stefano Chessa-Altieri (PhD Candidate, Sciences Po, CHSP)
Contact: stefano.chessaaltieri@sciencespo.fr, f.ohara@lse.ac.uk