Home>Programmes for individuals>Certificate Programmes>HR Management: Reinventing the HR Function
HR Management: Reinventing the HR Function
In a rapidly changing society, and as organisations confront unprecedented transformational challenges, the HR function must deeply reinvent itself and update its fundamental frameworks. This Certificate encourages participants to anticipate the developmental impact on the HR role and responibilities, and prepares them to best accompany the transformation of their organisation. The programme aims to train experts who master the latest HR innovations and and who create value for the company.
This programme will be held in French. Find more information on this page: Direction RH - La fonction RH réinventée
- Talent Management: Attracting/Developing/Retaining (bilingual module)
- HR Director as a Driver of Engagement (bilingual module)
- Leadership Development and Performance Models
- Compensation and Recognition
- Stress, Psychosocial Risks, and Well-being at Work
- Transformation of Social Relations
- HR Performance Management
Next Start Date(s)
October 29, 2025
Paris Campus
17 day(s)
Claire De Gaudemaris
Programme Advisor
+33 (0)1 45 49 63 59 | claire.degaudemaris@sciencespo.fr
Contact by email