Home>"Learning is fun, it never stops"


"Learning is fun, it never stops"

Interview with Ingri Bergo, graduate from the Joint Master Journalism and International Affairs.

May you describe your academic and professional background?

I have a master’s degree in Journalism and International Affairs from Sciences Po in Paris. Since graduating in 2018, I’ve held various roles at the international broadcaster France 24, worked as the Paris reporter for the English news website The Local, and as a breaking news reporter at VG, Norway's most-read newspaper, in Oslo. I have also worked on independent projects that were published in The Guardian and Al Jazeera. 

What is your job title today? How is your daily routine?

As a breaking news reporter, I cover the biggest domestic and international news stories from our newsroom in Oslo. I work mainly for the website, but also for our TV channel and podcast production. I'm currently specialising as a crime reporter, which means I spend a lot of time attending trials in different parts of Norway. I cover everything from terrorism to unresolved murders to police violence. I always work multiple stories simultaneously, and I like to have some larger projects that take longer to finish. Each day is different, so my routine is that I’m always prepared for the day to take an unexpected turn. 

What were the main takeaways from your degree?

Work hard and be determined. You don’t want things to come to you for free, you want to earn them. And learning is fun, it never stops. 

What memories did you keep from your school, your cohort, your teachers?

Late nights, too many coca zeros and madeleines. A lot of time covering protests in Paris whatever weather, freezing snow, pouring rain or blazing sun. A unique class solidarity and friendships that will last a lifetime. 

What advice could you give to a student who would like to become a journalist? 

Aim for excellency, but be humble. You will make mistakes and that’s ok, as long as you own up to them and correct them. Never let anyone tell you that you should work for free. Most journalists I know are incredibly dedicated and many would go far to live out their dreams. Some try to take advantage of that, but don’t let them. Do what you’re passionate about! And most importantly, have fun.

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
