Home>Vilasboas Reis, Tarcila
Vilasboas Reis, Tarcila

First Doctor in Law at Sciences Po Law School under the supervision of Pr. Jean-Bernard Auby "Administrative Policy Law - A Comparative Institutional Analysis of State Reform in Chile, Brazil and Argentina"
A lawyer in Brazil, Tarcila Reis earned a degree in Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics (LSE), as well as in Public Law at the Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), and she has been an exchange student at the Harvard Law School (HLS).
She has decided to specialize in Administrative Law and Public Policy. With the goal of developing expertise in these subjects, she has interned at several international institutions and Brazilian administrations. She taught the course “Innovating the State: an Analysis of the Latin American Context”.
Tarcila is now, consultant of the Public-Private Partnerships Advisory Services at International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Publications :
- La Légitimité des Agences de Régulation au Brésil
- Accountability of Campaign Funding Sources in Brazil: the Case of Bahia
- Reis, Tarcila and Jordão, Eduardo (forthcoming 2015) A Experiência Brasileira de MIPs e PMIs: Três Dilemas da Aproximação Público-Privada na Concepção de Projetos, in Parcerias Público-Privadas – Reflexões sobre os 10 anos da Lei 11.079/2004, Collection of Essays coordinated by Marçal Justen Filho and Rafael Walbach Schwind, Thomsom Reuters, Revista dos Tribunais.
- Reis, Tarcila (forthcoming 2015) Lego tiene baterías: descentralizar y restaurar el estado a través de sus partes. Un Estudio comparado de Chile, Brasil e Argentina, in Obra Colectiva Schmidt-Assmann, Law School, Administrative Law Department, Externado University of Colombia.
- Reis, Tarcila (2012) Dépendance ou indépendance des agences de régulation au Brésil? Une contribution à l'étude de la légitimité des agences de régulation, Revue Française d'administration Publique (RFAP), n.143, p.803-816
- Benavides, Jose-Luis and Reis, Tarcila (2010)InternationalArbitration and Public Contracts in Latin America, in Public Contracts and International Arbitration, Collection of Essays for the annual meeting of the Public Contracts in Legal Globalization Network, Published by Bruylant;
- Specie, Priscila and Reis, Tarcila (2009) Respuesta a Cardoso, in Desafio Drogas: prioridad al tratamiento y la prevencion, published by Asuntos del Sur;
- Reis, Tarcila (2008) Discussing “coronelism” in Brazilian politics: good politics or good policies?, published by the Observatoire Politique de l’Amerique Latine et des Caraibes (OPALC)