Seminar with MaxPo & CEE

Seminar with MaxPo & CEE

Translating Expertise across Work Contexts: U.S. Puppeteers Move from Stage to Screen
By Michel Anteby. Discussant: Léonie Hénaut- 19/02/2021
  • ©shutterstock/Peter Hermes Furian©shutterstock/Peter Hermes Furian

Séminaire commun avec Max Po et le CEE


Intervention : 
Michel Anteby, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Sociology at Boston University and associate researcher at the CSO.

Translating Expertise across Work Contexts: U.S. Puppeteers Move from Stage to Screen





Discussant: Léonie Hénaut, researcher at the CSO.





Summary :

Expertise is a key currency in today’s knowledge economy. Yet as experts increasingly move across work contexts, how expertise translates across contexts remains less understood. Here, we examine how a shift in work context — which reorders the relative attention experts pay to distinct types of audiences — redefines what it means to be an expert.
Our study’s setting is an established expertise in the creative industry: puppet manipulation. Through an examination of US puppeteers’ move from stage to screen (that is, film and television), we show that, while the two settings call on mostly similar repertoires of skills, puppeteers in stage ground their claims to expertise in a dialogue with spectators and consequently view expertise as achieving believability; by contrast, puppeteers in screen invoke the need to deliver on cue when dealing with producers, directors, and coworkers and view expertise as achieving task mastery. When moving between stage and screen, puppeteers therefore prioritize the needs of certain types of audiences over others’ and gradually reshape their own views of expertise.
Our findings embed the nature of expertise in experts’ ordering of types of audience to attend to and provide insights for explaining how expertise can shift and become coopted by workplaces.

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