Pascal Perrineau

Pascal Perrineau is Emeritus Full Professor at Sciences Po and was Head of CEVIPOF-Sciences Po until December 2013. He lectures in the Collège universitaire (undergraduate programme) and in the Executive Education section at Sciences Po on politics in France and in Europe, analysis of political attitudes and forces, and the vote and populism in France and in Europe.

He directs the Political Life (Vie politique) programme at Sciences Po which hosts the Journées du cinéma politique de Sciences Po. He lectures every year at the Middlebury College (US) summer school. He directs the Chroniques électorales collection at the Presses de Sciences Po. Since 2016, he has been President of the Sciences Po Alumni Association.

His research focuses mainly on the study of elections, the analysis of national-populism in France and in Europe and also the reshaping of Left/Right political divides in European societies. He acts as an expert to the European Council and to a number of national research organisations in various European countries. He was appointed by the Président du Sénat as one of the five guarantors of the Grand débat national from January to April 2019. He is a member of several administrative boards (Fondation des Treilles, Public Sénat, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques). Finally, Pascal regularly features as an expert in numerous media outlets ( Le Figaro, La Cinq, C news, France Culture, Europe 1, RTL and others ).

Research Fields

Electoral sociology, radical right, french political life, french political parties, survey and opinion polls

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