Luc Rouban

Luc Rouban is a CNRS-affiliated Senior Research Fellow at CEVIPOF-Sciences Po in Paris. His research focuses on the sociology of elites as well as transformations of democracy in France and Europe. He serves on the board of Public Management Review and on the Palgrave Foundations of Government and Public Administration series board.

He is currently working on political trust, State reform in France and decentralization. His recent publications include: La démocratie représentative est-elle en crise ?, Paris,La Documentation française, 2018; Le paradoxe du macronisme, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2018; ‘’The Road to Anomie: The Rise and Decline of Public Service Unions in France’’, Labor History, 59, 1, 2018; La matière noire de la démocratie, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2019. He is a member of the International Political Science Association and of the French Political Science Association. He won the Deschanel Ph.D. prize awarded by the Paris Chancellerie des Universités in 1983 and the Labor History Best Non-US Paper in 2014.

Research Fields

Public Policies , legislators, public Administration, survey and Opinion polls

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