
Laurent Fourchard

Senior Research Fellow, Sciences Po
Phone: 01 58 71 70 36 -

Laurent Fourchard, historian and political scientist, is a Research Professor at the National Foundation for Political Science. He holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Paris 7 and a Habilitation (HDR) in political science from Sciences Po.

Laurent Fourchard works at the intersection of history, political sociology and comparative urban studies. He focuses on policing, state at work, criminal organizations, trade unions, the political uses of public space. In his last book (Wiley, 2021), he articulates historical and ethnographic methods to retrace the genealogy of exclusion, classification and policing in popular neighborhoods in Nigeria and South Africa. He has explored the uses of autochthony and xenophobia in bureaucratic relations. He is currently working on a book on a transport organization - considered as a "mafia” - the larger trade union in Nigeria, a central player in electoral politics and the main organization in transport regulation. Attentive to history as a cause, he is coordinating a research group with Greg Mann (Columbia University) on subaltern historicities in Africa.

Laurent Fourchard was Director of the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) in Nigeria (2000-2003) and visiting scholar at the University of Cape Town (2008-2009), University of Turin (2021), Columbia (2022) and Oxford (2023). Member of section 40 of the CNRS (2016-2019), he is or has been a member of the editorial boards of the following journals: Africa, Journal of African History, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Politique africaine and Sources.

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  • Teaching

    • « Introduction à la science politique : module Afrique ». 1st year. Lecture. Campus de Reims. Sciences Po.

    • « Governing the Large Metropolis in Africa ». 4th year Master Governing the Large Metropolis. Ecole Urbaine de Sciences Po.

  • Languages

    French, English, Italian

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Main Publications


2021, Classify, Exclude and Police: Urban Lives in South Africa and Nigeria, Wiley Blackwell, Studies in Urban and Social Change, Malden (Ma), Oxford.

2018, Trier, exclure et policer. Vies urbaines en Afrique du Sud et au Nigeria, Paris, Presse de Sciences Po.


2023, “In the shadow of the state: the making of garage laws in Lagos”, Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology, 29, 2023, pp. 85-101.

2023, “Comparative urban studies and African studies at the crossroads: from the colonial situation to twilight institutions”, in Patrick Le Galès and Jennifer Robinson (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Global Urban Studies, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 58-72.

2023, “The 2023 cashless election in Nigeria: The Politics of withdrawing money”, African Affairs, 122, 488, July 2023 (with Azeez Kayode Sikiru).

2023, “Expanding profit and power. The National Union of Road Transport Workers in Nigeria”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 44, 1, pp. 97-112.

2021, “Undocumented citizens and the making of ID documents in Nigeria: an ethnography of the politics of suspicion in Jos”, African Affairs, 120, 481, october, pp. 511-541.

2021, « Historicités en dispute. Généalogies et usages au prisme des études africaines », Politique africaine, 161-162, pp. 119-137.

2018, « Le vigilantisme contemporain. Violence et légitimité d'une activité policière bon marché », Critique internationale, 78, 1, pp. 169-186.

2015, “Of xenophobia and citizenship: the politics of exclusion and inclusion in Africa”, Africa, 85, 1, pp. 2-12 (with Aurélia Segatti).

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